Gastronomy in Pas de Calais, France
Freshly-boiled mussels and chips are a famous
meal in the region - like British fish-and-chips in England.
Fresh ingredients
Nord Pas De Calais is also famous for its fresh fish coming directly from the
local ports.
Where to buy fish
If you want to cook your own, fresh fish ingredients can be found in the morning
fish markets or in town.
Special fish
Anguilles au vert - eels cooked with spinach and sorrel leaves in white
wine; garnished with herbs and served hot or cold on fried bread.
Carpe à la bière - carp fished from local rivers, cooked in butter with onions,
shallots, celery, bay and thyme; then baked with strong local beer and spiced
Harengs Calaisienne - fresh herrings stuffed with roes mixed with mushrooms and
herbs, and baked in a paper case.
Waterzoi - a fresh fish stew, made with vegetables, cream and any coarse fish -
carp, perch, pike...
The same name is sometimes also used for chicken (or other white meat) stewed
with leeks