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Sea Angling Guide

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Shore Angling at Glin Beach and Pier, Co Limerick

Location: Shannon Estuary, Co Limerick

Nearest Airport: Shannon

Type of Angling Mark: Beach and Pier

Angling Mark

Glin beach is situated 1.6 kms east of Glin village on the main Limerick road. There is ample parking in the lay-by and access is good. This beach is used as a match stretch and many shore competitions have taken place here. Species caught here are thornback ray, bull huss, dogfish and conger. The usual method is bottom fishing using fish bait, crab and lugworm on a flooding tide.Glin pier fishes well from either side during at high water for dogfish, small conger, flounder and whiting using fish bait, lugworm and ragworm.


About half way between Tarbert Village and Killimer Ferry terminal, there is a weed covered point. Soft and peeler crab are plentiful here under the weed on the foreshore. Crab can be found 20 feet from the high water mark and the best time is within two hours after high water. A muddy patch to the right of here where lugworm can be collected. However the stony terrain in the vicinity can make digging somewhat difficult. There is another location nearby at Foynes where some soft peeler crab are available under the seaweed between the swimming pool and the yacht Club. At low water, access is possible to the west of the Yacht Club point.

Tide Tables

Check out this link for more information


It is prohibited to take and kill more than two bass on any one day. (Bye-law No.667)
· Minimum overall size limit of 40cm. From tip of snout to end of tail. Closed season from 15th May to 15th June.

Note: Penalties for breach of the above laws include confiscation of tackle and heavy fines.


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What's Covered in this Section


  • Location

  • Angling Mark Description

  • Bait Location

  • Tide Tables

  • Angling Regulations



© Shannon Regional Fisheries Board. No part of this website may be reproduced without permission of the Shannon Regional Fisheries Board.
The Shannon Regional Fisheries Board
Bord Iascaigh Réigiúnach na Sionainne
Ashbourne Business Park, Dock Road, Limerick, Rep of Ireland
Tel: 061 300238 Fax: 061 300308