Shore Angling at
Crovraghan, Co Clare
Shannon Estuary, Co Clare
Airport: Shannon
Type of
Angling Mark: Channel past a pier
This fishing spot is about
2.5 kms on the north east side of Kildysert. Turn right half a
mile on the Kildysert/Ennis Road and follow the narrow road down
to the pier. There is car parking here and the fishing location
is the channel running past the pier. Using fish bait, crab and
lugworm, this channel fishes best on the first 4 hours of the
flooding tide. Species caught here are bull huss, dogfish, small
conger and some good sized flounder.
Bait can be
collected at a road bridge about 1 km on the Kilrush side of
Kildysert village. Beyond the bridge is a left turn down a track
which has two gates. Parking is on either side of the causeway.
Soft and peeler crab can be gathered under the patches of weed on
either side of the causeway.
Tide Tables
Check out this link for more information
It is prohibited to take and kill more than two bass on any one day.
(Bye-law No.667)
· Minimum overall size limit of 40cm. From tip of snout to end of
tail. Closed season from 15th May to 15th June.
Note: Penalties for breach of the
above laws include confiscation of tackle and heavy fines.