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Third Trimester Overview
Hang in there... you've almost made it!
Third Trimester Overview: Preparing for Childbirth
A Green Guide to Pregnancy
Whether you're expecting a baby or contemplating pregnancy, now is the time to take charge of your health and that of your future child. This helpful list unveils pregnancy's lurking dangers while guiding you and your baby on the road to health.
Baby Naming Traditions around the World
Fasten your seat belts for a fascinating trip into the heart of naming rituals and traditions. In a journey that takes you from east to west, find out how the "twain do meet" at the very onset of life itself.
The ABCs of Pregnancy and Childbirth
The experiences of pregnancy and childbirth introduce a whole new vocabulary to expectant parents. Here's a rundown on some of the terms you'll need to know, from A to Z.
Rh-Negative and Rh-Positive Conditions in Pregnancy
Advances in obstetrics have nearly eliminated the problems associated with Rh incompatibility between mother and baby. Dr. DiLeo explains what the issues are and what can be done.
How to Influence Your Baby's Food Choices
The rumors are true: Some kids actually do eat healthy foods…and enjoy them! So how did their parents teach them that? Surprisingly, it might have had something to do with what mom ate during pregnancy.
Pregnancy Tales: Hit or Myth
Old wives' tales can be fascinating, but some myths and misinformation about pregnancy cause a mother-to-be undue stress. An experienced mom separates pregnancy fact from fiction.
Strange but True Facts for Dads-to-Be
Pregnancy, Birth, and Newborns
Treading unfamiliar waters of pregnancy, childbirth, and life with a baby in tow may seem overwhelming to a new dad. BabyZone proffers guidance on what to expect as the entire family nucleus undergoes change.
When Morning Sickness Takes Over
Surviving Hyperemesis Gravidarum
Most often an unpleasant inconvenience of early pregnancy, nausea and vomiting can become severe enough to threaten the health of mom and baby. Here are some guidelines for coping with hyperemesis gravidarum.
Birth and the Lessons of Motherhood
Labor may only last a day, but from it women can extract a lifetime of parenting lessons. One mom recounts what labor taught her about what it takes to be a parent.
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Obstetrics and Gynecology
Dr. Gerard M. DiLeo is a board certified obstetrician-gynecologist who has been in private practice since 1981 and has served as Chief of the Medical Staff at Lakeview Regional Medical Center in greater New Orleans. Dr. DiLeo's new book The Anxious Parents' Guide to Pregnancy is now available.

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Dr. Aubrey Milunsky is Professor of Human Genetics, Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology and Pathology at Boston University School of Medicine. He is the Founding Director of the Center for Human Genetics, and he is triple board certified in pediatrics, internal medicine, and clinical genetics. He is an author and editor of 21 books and has published over 300 scientific papers. Previously, Dr. Milunsky was a medical geneticist at the Harvard Medical School and the Massachusetts General Hospital.

Dr. Milunsky's newest book, Your Genetic Destiny : Know Your Genes, Secure Your Health, Save Your Life was released in June 2001.
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