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 NEW -  The Oracle

Let us introduce you to the Ancient Spiral Oracle.

She knows the answers to many mysteries of the Universe.  You may ask her any question you wish, and she will give an intelligent and often humorous answer.

"Talking to the Oracle is like talking to a real person - spooky!"

Click here and see for yourself!

paranormal resources

Click here to consult the Oracle!

paranormal resources


Index of Content

Click the links to read the article:

Consult the Oracle!

The Celts
Celtic Crosses
Celtic Symbols

Courtney Davis: Celtic Artist
Dragons and Serpents
Faerie Folk
The Green Man
The Knight's Templar
The Lady of the Lake
Pentagrams and Pentacles
The Phoenix
The Samurai
The Spiral Logo
The Sun and the Moon
Whales and Dolphins

Gift shop


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Welcome to
Ancient Spiral

Ancient Spiral is an ever-growing online resource of information on ancient cultures, history, mystical beliefs, myth and legend and the paranormal. Celtic jewellery, pagan, Wiccan and ancient designs often have a story to tell.

If you wish to contribute to Ancient Spiral, please email your articles to (just type only - no attachments please).  If your article is of good, relevant content, I will put it on this website.  As the author, you will be given full credit on the site.

Our main themes are:

Myth, Legend and Folklore - Including mythical creatures (dragons, fairies, phoenix etc.).  This includes the inspiration behind modern fantasy and sci-fi.

Ancient History - All ancient cultures of the world, from the Celts to the Samurai of Japan.  Ancient mystical symbols (such as pentagrams, runes and Celtic designs) are also included.

Religion and Sects - Including modern and ancient beliefs such as Wicca, Paganism and Druidism, and sects like the Knight's Templar.

The Paranormal - Including New Age beliefs

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