Castles and Chateaux in Brittany, France

Chateau de Rohan in Pontivy
Le Chateau des Rohan, constructed around 1480 by Jean
II, Viscount of Rohan, constitutes a remarkable example of military architecture
from the end of the Middle Ages. During the summer many exhibitions are
Opening Times
From 1st Oct - 31May - every day and bank holidays
except Monday and Tuesday. 10h - 12h/14h-18h
In June and September, every day - 10h - 12h/14h-18h
In July and August - every day - 10h30 - 19h
Chateau des Forges des Salles
Near to the Lac de Guerledan, in the heart of the Foret
de Quenecan, the iron and steel making villages of Forges des Salles, is a
remarkable evidence of Brittany's past during the 18thC and the 19thC.
Around the house of the Maitre des Forges and around the terraced gardens, are
grouped La Rangee des Forgerons, the workshops, le haut-fourneau, the school,
the chapel, the forge, the Buraue de Paye, which were re-equipped in the
traditional way and fitted with a video lounge, models all explaining the
Opening Times
Guided tours at 14h & 18h30 - De Paques a la
Toussaint, Saturday and Sunday and Bank Holidays in July and August - every day.
With its ramparts built in the 14thC and 15thC, La Tour
du Connetable, the medieval town, the Saint-Piere Cathedral, the museum of Les
Beaux-Arts, the Prehistoric Museum, Vannes forms a unique architectural
Domaine de Kerguehennec
The Domaine, property of the "Departement",
is a sacred meeting place between history and inheritance. The Centre of
Contemporary Art presents a collection of sculptures in the park
(170hectares). Exhibitions in the 18thC Chateua and the surrounding area.
Opening Times
February and November - 10h - 18h except Monday, during
the season until 19h.
Chateua de Rochefort-en-Terre
On the site of a medieval fortress dominating a little
town of character, the chateau the property of the "Departement",
exhibits pictures and collections of the former owners, the American painters
Alfred and Trafford Klots. A visit to the newly opened museum will complete your
visit. As ell as permanent exhibitions there are also temporary displays.
Opening Times
April, May and October - Saturday, Sunday and bank
holidays - 10h -12h/14h-18h30,
School holidays - 14h 18h30
June, September - every day 10h - 12h/14h - 18h30
July, August - every day 10h - 18h30
Parc de Branfere
An unforgettable walk among the animals roaming freely
in a several times hundred year old botanical park, around the Chateau of
Branfere. The visit is made by foot, a picnic area has been especially
made near the entrance to the park.
Opening Times
All year
Musee de La Vilaine Maritime
The museum de la Vilaine Maritime, is situated in the
chateau Des Bassess-Fossess, historical building of the 16thC and 17thC, housed
on two restored levels, collections dedicated to maritime customs and traditions
and the estuary of Vilaine. Objects, photos, scenes and audio-visual
contribute to recreate the atmosphere of the life on the river at the beginning
of the century.
Opening Times
1st June - 21st June - every day, 14h30 - 18h30
22nd June - 15th September - 10h30 - 12h30/14h30 - 18h30
16th September - 29th September - 14h30 - 18h30
October Saturday and Sunday - 14h30 - 18h30
November and December, 15h - 18h
Chateau du Plessis-Josso
This manoir was built by a squire to the Dike Jean III
in 1330, was fortified and extended in the 15thC, 16thC and 17thC. The
simple design of the chateau makes it a good example of typical Breton
architecture. It gives us a real idea of the life of an important citizen
of the Vannes area during the times of Breton Dukes.
Opening Times
Guided Visits every day from 1st July - 5th September
from 14h - 19h
From 1st May - 1st November group bookings on demand.
Chateau de Suscinio
The woods surrounding the chateau are abundant in wild
life covering the Peninsula de Rhuys, the chateau was a ducal residence from the
13thC to the 15thC. Ruined by vandalism during the Revolution, Suscinio
was acquired and restored by the Departement du Morbihan which created a Museum
of History. There are festivals throughout the summer.
Opening Times
April and May - 10h - 12h/14h - 19h
1st June - 30th September - 10h - 19h
1st October - middle December and middle January - 31st March - Thursday,
Saturday, Sunday & Bank Holidays - 10h - 12h/14h - 17h, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
- 14h - 17h
Forteresse de Largoet
Suddenly in the middle of the forest, along a river you
come across a medieval fortress with its monumental ruins ad its imposing 14th C
octagonal keep, the highest existing in France, a round 15thC tower harmoniously
restored and a draw-bridge, the chateau belonged to many families linked to the history
of Brittany: Malestroit, Rieux, Le Comte de Richemont was a prisoner here in
1474 before becoming King of England.
Opening Times
March and October - Saturday and Sunday, Bank Holidays,
School Holidays - 14h - 18h30
April and May - Saturday, Sunday, Bank Holidays, School Holidays - 10h30 - 18h30
1st June - 30th September - every day 10h30 - 18h30
Chateau de Comper en Broceliande
The château belonged to many grand families of
Brittany and of France, among which were De Gael, de Laval-Montfort, de Coligny,
de Charette. But the site with its deep woods and its large lakes, it's
celebrity is due to the legend of La Fee Viviane, La Dame du Lac. Le
Centre de Imaginaire Arthurien present annual exhibitions and audio-visuals in
the chateau and animations in the park. Le Centre Arthurien also organises
guided visits in the forest.
Opening Times
1st April - 1st October - 10h - 19h
April, May and September closed Tuesday and Friday
June, July and August - closed Tuesday
Chateau du Crevy
The chateau whose history goes back to the 3rdC, keeps
beautiful memories of the military architecture of the 14thC. Today, it contains
twelve decorated pieces, an important collection of civil costumes from 1730 -
1975. Temporary exhibitions.
Opening Times
July and August - every day 10h - 18h
1st April - 11th November - groups by arrangement
Chateau de Josselin
With its three majestic towers dominating La Vallee de
L'Oust, and its splendid flamboyant gothic facade, Josselin, home to the
courageous captains Beamanoir and Clisson and their property des Rohans, offers
a remarkable testimony of feudal architecture and of the Renaissance.
Opening Times
April, May and October - Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday,
Bank Holidays and School Holidays - 14h - 18h
June and September every day - 14h - 18h
July and August - every day 10h - 18h
Musee de Poupees Collection Rohan
In a private museum within the chateau de Josselin, you
can see the famous collection of the Rohan Dolls. An exceptional display
of almost 600 dolls and figurines as well as many games and toys.
Temporary exhibitions. Pleasant view of the Renaissance Facade of the
Opening Times
April, May, October, - Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday,
Bank Holidays, School Holidays - 14h - 18h
June and September - every day 14h - 18h
July and August every day - 10h - 18h
Chateau- Domaine de la Roche Jagu
The Chateau looks out over the valley, its gardens gently sloping down to the
river. It is the last remaining evidence of the fortifications built from
the 11th century. Classed as a historic monument in 1930, the chateau of
La Roche Jagu has since 1958 belonged to the Cotes d'Armor Council.
Gardens of yesterday and today will tempt and delight all your senses! Water
is an omnipresent element of the chateau. There are numerous palm trees and
exotic species.
The Domaine de le Roche Jagu is a site of exceptional landscape design.
Useful Information
Domaine Departemental de la Roche Jagu
22260 Ploezal-Cotes d'Armor
Tel: 02-96-95-62-35
Grounds open all year (entrance to park free)
Programme of cultural events and chateau opening times available from January
2004 at