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--12/14/04  Department of State Wins President’s Quality Award
--12/14/04  United States Supports India’s Fight Against HIV/AIDS
--12/13/04  Arrest of Lu Decheng (Taken Question)
--12/13/04  Detention of Yu Jie and Liu Xiaobo (Taken Question)
--12/11/04  Accomplishments of the First Forum For Future, Rabat 2004
--12/10/04  Secretary of State Colin L. Powell to Kick Off HIV/AIDS Awareness Jazz Tour of India Sponsored by BET
--12/09/04  Cambodia -- Attack on Trafficking Shelter
--12/09/04  Department of State Announces Change in Policy Regarding Documentation for Importation of Shrimp to Ensure Sea Turtle Protection
--12/09/04  Israel/Palestinians: Israeli Rocket Attack in Gaza (Taken Question)
--12/09/04  Secretary of State Colin L. Powell to Honor Department of State Culture Connect Ambassadors
--12/08/04  Assistant Secretary of State William J. Burns’ Opening Remarks at the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee Meeting
--12/08/04  Election Observers for Ukraine (Taken Questions)
--12/08/04  Human Rights Week; Statement by Secretary Colin L. Powell; Brussels, Belgium
--12/08/04  Northern Ireland Peace Process
--12/08/04  Travel Restrictions on Belarusian Officials
--12/07/04  Meeting Between Deputy Secretary Armitage and East Timor President Xanana Gusmao
--12/07/04  Mexico: Foreign Secretary Derbez Announces Candidacy to be the Secretary General of the Organization of American States (Taken Questions)
--12/07/04  President Mbeki Mission to Abidjan
--12/06/04  North Korea – Meetings in New York (Taken Question)
--12/06/04  United States to Participate in United Nations Climate Change Conference
--12/03/04  Assistant Secretary Turner To Make Remarks at Release of Global Assessment of Coral Reefs
--12/03/04  Conflict in Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo
--12/03/04  Ethiopia-Eritrea Border Dispute (Taken Question)
--12/03/04  Meeting With Ambassadors of Georgia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, and Moldova
--12/03/04  On-The-Record Briefing on Reconstruction Progress in Iraq; Andrew S. Natsios, Administrator, United States Agency for International Development ; Washington, DC
--12/03/04  Secretary Powell: Interview With Reuters
--12/02/04  Secretary Powell: Interview With Samir Nader of Radio Sawa
--12/02/04  NATO-led Mission Ends in Bosnia and Herzegovina ; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC
--12/02/04  Secretary Powell To Address Women Business Leaders at Summit
--12/02/04  Under Secretary Dobriansky to Address Middle East Business Reform Program Participants at Graduation
--12/01/04  Briefing on Reconstruction in Iraq

--11/30/04  Burma: U.S. Attendance at ASEAN Meetings (Taken Question)
--11/30/04  Interview With Takao Hishinuma of Yomiuri Shimbun; Richard Armitage, Deputy Secretary; Washington, DC
--11/30/04  Secretary Powell Travel to Haiti
--11/30/04  U.S. Policy Regarding Human Rights Bodies (Taken Question)
--11/30/04  UN Peacekeepers in Haiti (Taken Question)
--11/29/04  China – Liu Jingsheng’s Release From Prison (Taken Question)
--11/29/04  Deputy Secretary of State Richard L. Armitage to Address Area Middle School Students Participating in International Education Program
--11/29/04  Macedonian Country Background Note (Taken Question)
--11/29/04  Middle East Entrepreneurship and Business Reform
--11/29/04  Secretary Powell Travel to Canada
--11/29/04  Secretary Powell to Travel to Europe and Morocco
--11/29/04  U.S. National Commission for UNESCO Re-Established
--11/26/04  First Review Conference of the Ottawa Convention in Nairobi
--11/26/04  Montreal Protocol Meeting Concludes
--11/24/04  Advisory Committee on International Communications and Information Policy
--11/24/04  Continuing Violence in Darfur
--11/24/04  Remarks by Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs Paula Dobriansky At the Arctic Council Ministerial; Reykjavik, Iceland
--11/23/04  Meeting with Russian Ambassador (Taken Question)
--11/22/04  China – No Recognition of Any East Turkestan Government in Exile (Taken Question)
--11/22/04  Incident Involving Chilean and U.S. Security Officers During President Bush's Visit to the APEC Summit in Santiago, Chile (Taken Question)
--11/22/04  Joint Statement of the United States of America and Japan on Global Positioning System Cooperation
--11/22/04  New European Commission Welcomed
--11/22/04  United States and India Discuss Cooperation and Growing Bilateral Ties
--11/21/04  Support for the Anticorruption and Transparency (ACT) Capacity Building Program
--11/19/04  APEC Economies to Develop a Regional Movement Alert List System
--11/19/04  Department Renews Charter of Overseas Schools Advisory Council
--11/19/04  The Peace Process in Sri Lanka
--11/19/04  U.S. Support For APEC Health Initiative
--11/19/04  United Nations Security Council Meeting in Nairobi
--11/18/04  Government Settlement of Fraud Allegations Against Perini Corporation
--11/18/04  Secretary of State Colin L. Powell Authorizes Reward
--11/17/04   Counternarcotics Initiatives for Afghanistan; Robert B. Charles, Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs; On-The-Record Briefing; Washington, DC video: high speed connectionvideo: dial-up speed connectionaudio
--11/17/04  Briefing on Counternarcotics Initiatives in Afghanistan
--11/17/04  Fifteenth Anniversary of the Velvet Revolution
--11/17/04  Ulster Defense Association Initiative
--11/16/04  Deputy Secretary of State Richard L. Armitage to Address 19th Annual Briefing of the Overseas Security Advisory Council
--11/16/04  The United States and Association of Southeast Asian Nations Launch New Training and Technical Assistance Program
--11/16/04  Travel to Israel and the Palestinian Territories
--11/15/04  President Thanks Secretary Powell
--11/15/04  State Department Press Building Passes
--11/15/04  U.S.-China Global Issues Forum
--11/12/04  Industry Advisory Panel of the Overseas Buildings Operations Meeting on Thursday, December 9, 2004
--11/12/04  Iraq: Najaf/Samarra Reconstruction Effort (Taken Question)
--11/12/04  Secretary of State Colin L. Powell to Welcome Hubert H. Humphrey Fellows on the First Day of International Education Week 2004
--11/12/04  Uganda: North Uganda and the LRA
--11/10/04  Secretary Powell Travel to Chile and Egypt
--11/10/04  Taiwan -- Six Assurances (Taken Question)
--11/10/04  Taiwan – Chen’s 10-Point Cross Strait Policy Speech (Taken Question)
--11/10/04  The United States Announces Hurricane Recovery Program for the Caribbean
--11/10/04  United States and India Launch New Phase of Cyber Security Cooperation
--11/09/04  U.S. – Mexico Binational Commission
--11/09/04  U.S.-Hosted Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) Maritime Interdiction Exercise (Chokepoint ’04)
--11/09/04  US Welcomes Announcement of First ‘Forum for the Future’ in Rabat, Morocco
--11/08/04  Arctic Council Ministerial Preparations
--11/08/04  Meeting of the Advisory Committee on International Law
--11/08/04  November 5, 2004 Warden Message – Athens, Greece (Taken Question)
--11/05/04  2006 Diversity Visa Lottery Registration Begins
--11/05/04  Charge d’Affaires of the U.S. Mission to International Organizations in Vienna (Taken Questions)
--11/05/04  Notarization Requirement for Statement of Consent by Non-Applying Parent in Passport Applications for Minors Under the Age of 14
--11/05/04  U.S.-Mexican Border Water Issues (Taken Questions)
--11/04/04  Attacks in and Around Bouaké, Cote d’Ivoire
--11/04/04  Cuba: Human Rights Situation
--11/04/04  Georgian Troop Deployment to Iraq
--11/04/04  Taiwan--Diplomatic Relations With Third Countries (Taken Question)
--11/04/04  Tunisia: Presidential Pardon (Taken Question)
--11/03/04  Afghanistan: Election of New President
--11/03/04  Iran: Librarian of Congress’ Visit to Iran (Taken Questions)
--11/03/04  On the Forced Relocation of Internally Displaced Persons from Al Geer village, South Darfur
--11/03/04  Sudan Embassy: Banking Situation (Taken Question)
--11/02/04  Death of Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, President, United Arab Emirates; Secretary Colin L. Powell; Washington, DC
--11/02/04  International Telecommunication Advisory Committee Meetings
--11/02/04  U.S.-Mexico Binational Commission Meeting on November 9
--11/01/04  Deputy Secretary Richard L. Armitage to Travel to South Asia and the Near East

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