Shore Angling at
Lough Donnell, Co Clare
Co Clare
Airport: Shannon
Type of
Angling Mark: Beach
This long, sandy beach is 2
miles south of Seafield and access is from the northern end. Turn
right off the main road and turn left up a track through a
farmyard and park at the left hand side 100 yards from the beach.
There is a freshwater lake behind the sea wall with an outlet
onto the beach. The focal point here is the freshwater outlet and
bottom fishing is best using lugworm and sandeel which produces
flatfish and bass on the flooding tide. The beach fishes best in
moderate surf conditions and in general has very little angling
Seafield Pier is
the nearest location to obtain bait. It lies about 2.5 kms west
of Quilty. There is plenty of parking spaces in this area and
access is easy. Bait digging for lugworm and some small ragworm
is 150 meters to the left of the pier. Low water and the first
2.5 hours of the flood tide is the ideal time.
Tide Tables
Check out this link for more information
It is prohibited to take and kill more than two bass on any one day.
(Bye-law No.667)
· Minimum overall size limit of 40cm. From tip of snout to end of
tail. Closed season from 15th May to 15th June.
Note: Penalties for breach of the
above laws include confiscation of tackle and heavy fines.