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Choose A Fishing Guide: Sea Angling Guide
Sea Angling Guide

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Shore Angling at Liscannor Beach, Co Clare

Location: Co Clare

Nearest Airport: Shannon

Type of Angling Mark: Beach

Angling Mark

This beach is on the Liscannor side of the River Inagh. Parking is at the lay-by just beyond the pitch and putt Course. The fishing area is just 200 yards east of the parking area towards the mouth of the River Inagh. This beach produces bass and flounder in suitable conditions. Early flood to high water using lugworm and sandeel is best. At high water, anglers can spin with artificial lures for bass and some seatrout in the main channel.


Bait can be obtained from the graveyard section of the beach which is just below Liscannor village. 

Tide Tables

Check out this link for more information


It is prohibited to take and kill more than two bass on any one day. (Bye-law No.667)
· Minimum overall size limit of 40cm. From tip of snout to end of tail. Closed season from 15th May to 15th June.

Note: Penalties for breach of the above laws include confiscation of tackle and heavy fines.


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The Shannon Regional Fisheries Board
Bord Iascaigh Réigiúnach na Sionainne
Ashbourne Business Park, Dock Road, Limerick, Rep of Ireland
Tel: 061 300238 Fax: 061 300308