| Daily Appointments ScheduleThe Office of Press Relations, Bureau of Public Affairs releases, at approximately 9:30 a.m., an online daily appointments schedule. The schedule includes the appointments for the Secretary of State, the Deputy Secretary and, as appropriate, Under Secretaries and Assistant Secretaries. Events include meetings with foreign officials, speeches, testimony before congressional committees, official social functions, as well as the approximate time of the daily press briefing. The schedule is subject to change throughout the day. You may also obtain this information by telephone: 202-647-2497. Electronic subscriptions: You can automatically receive via email full texts of selected Department of State documents and publications that provide key official information on U.S. foreign policy. To subscribe, send an email to listserv@lists.state.gov . Type in the message body "SUBSCRIBE DOSSCHEDULE YOURNAME". (Omit the quotation marks, and be sure to replace the YOURNAME portion above with your own name -- or, if preferred, ANONYMOUS |
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