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Promoting Regional Cooperation in Southeast Europe
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Policy Overview
The United States is strongly committed to the stabilization and revitalization of Southeast Europe and to creating the conditions for its integration into Euro-Atlantic institutions. To advance this objective, the United States joined with European partners last summer to launch the Stability Pact for Southeast Europe. The Pact aims to strengthen democratization, economic development and security in Southeast Europe through regional cooperation. U.S. priorities within the Stability Pact are to promote trade and investment, attack crime and corruption, hasten refugee returns, support democracy and respect for human rights, and strengthen regional security cooperation.The United States also promotes regional cooperation through continued support for the Southeast European Cooperative Initiative (SECI); provision of technical assistance and feasibility studies to prepare regional infrastructure projects for European or international financial institution (IFI) investment; assistance to southeast European states on WTO accession, commercial law, and trade development; support for microenterprise; and efforts to develop a regional labor market and strategies for labor redeployment.
The United States has taken several important steps to support the Stability Pact's objectives and implement commitments made by the President at the July 1999 Sarajevo Summit, as well as to advance ongoing efforts within the OSCE and NATO that promote regional stability and cooperation. These efforts are in addition to the role the United States is playing in fostering peace and security in Kosovo and Bosnia.
- 01/04/01: Secretary Albright (Remarks with Foreign Affairs Minister of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia)
- 12/09/00: Secretary Albright (Haekkerup to Replace Kouchner as UN Head in Kosovo)
- 11/22/00: Secretary Albright (Kosovo: Attack on Yugoslav Representative's Residence)
- 11/18/00: President Clinton (Establishing Formal Diplomatic Relations With the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia)
- 10/26/00: President Clinton (Statement on Stability Pact and Federal Republic of Yugoslavia)
- 10/12/00: President Clinton (Statement on Lifting Sanctions Against Serbia)
- 10/06/00: President Clinton (Remarks on Elections in Yugoslavia)
- 10/06/00: Secretary Albright (Press Briefing on Elections in Yugoslavia)
- 09/28/00: President Clinton (Statement on Election Results in Yugoslavia)
- 09/26/00: President Clinton (Remarks at Georgetown International Law Center Ceremony)
- 09/20/00: Jim O'Brien, Special Advisor to President and the Secretary of State for Balkan Democracy (On-the-record briefing)
- 09/13/00: Larry Napper, Coordinator for East European Assistance (Stability, Transformation and Integration in Southeast Europe)
- 08/23/00: Secretary Albright and Albanian Prime Minister Ilir Meta (Joint press availability)
- 07/26/00: Samuel R. Berger, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, George Munoz, President and CEO of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation , and George Soros, organizer of Soros Private Funds Management (Launch of Southeast Europe Equity Fund
- 07/26/00: Stuart E. Eizenstat, Treasury Deputy Secretary (Remarks on Southeast Europe Equity Fund)
- 06/29/00: Secretary Albright ("Democracy in the Balkans")
- 06/22/00: Under Secretary of State for Economic, Business, and Agricultural Affairs Alan Larson (OPIC'S Southeast Europe Investment Fund)
- 04/07/00: Uder Secretary for Political Affairs Thomas Pickering (Southeastern Europe: An Endeavor Consistent With the Transatlantic Vision and Indicative of the Changing International Environment)
- 03/23/00: Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Rob Boone (Impact of organized crime and corruption on Southeast Europe and Central Asia)
- 02/02/00: Under Secretary for Political Affairs Thomas Pickering (Greece and the United States: A Partnership for Southeastern Europe)
- 10/30/00: Successful Municipal Elections In Kosovo
- 09/28/00: United States Encourages Free and Fair Albanian Elections
- 09/24/00: Results of the Yugoslav Elections
- 09/23/00: U.S. Response to Report of Foreign Plot to Sabotage FRY Elections
- 09/20/00: Message on the Yugoslav Elections
- 02/10/00: U.S. Welcomes Announcement by World Bank On Assistance to Southeastern Europe
- 04/06/00: U.S. Support for Southeast European Stabilization
- 04/06/00: Achievements of the Stability Pact for Southeast Europe
- Department of Commerce Foreign Commercial Service regional page
- National Trade Estimate Report on Trade Barriers: 1999 1998 1997 1996
- Southeast Europe Cooperative Initiative
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