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Foreign Service Institute
Transition Center
Training Division
Overseas Briefing Center
Career Transition Center

Transition Center

Transition Center logo. Globe with arrows around it.Providing Training, Information, and Referral to U.S. Government Employees and Family Members Assigned to Diplomatic Posts Abroad and Post-Career Services to Employees of Foreign Affairs Agencies

One of six schools and centers within the George P. Shultz National Foreign Affairs Training Center, the Transition Center helps prepare employees and their family members for effectiveness in the foreign affairs community by facilitating transitions throughout--and after--their careers. If you are a U.S. Government employee or family member preparing for an overseas assignment or an employee of a foreign affairs agency at the end of your career, we encourage you to explore the information here. If you are a private citizen, we hope exploring this Web site will give you an idea of the kind of training and information available to government families as they prepare for an overseas move and eventual return to the United States.

 For all FSI courses other than those offered by the Transition Center, please contact the FSI Registrar at (703) 302-7144 or (703) 302-7137.

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