| Public-Private PartnershipsThe Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement coordinates the development of public-private partnerships to bring new energy, ideas and resources to the efforts to make the world safe from persistent landmines and other types of weapons and explosive remnants of war that contribute inordinately to fueling regional conflicts, unrest and terrorist activity worldwide. The partnership program promotes the entire spectrum of humanitarian mine action to help accelerate landmine detection and clearance programs, promote mine risk education in affected nations, assist survivors of landmine accidents, and enhance research and development of new demining technologies through such bodies as the International Test and Evaluation Program (ITEP). The partnership program seeks to expand its collaboration with civic associations, charitable foundations, religious organizations and corporations to address other precursors to and explosive after-effects of conflict -- such as automatic rifles, machines guns, rocket-propelled grenades, man portable air defense systems, light mortars, abandoned ordnance caches, and poorly secured munitions stockpiles -- whose impacts parallel in many ways the infestation of persistent landmines. To inquire about joining the Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement partnership program, contact Mr. James F. Lawrence at (202) 647-0623, email LawrenceJF@state.gov, or send a fax to (202) 647-2465. [More information about the public-private partnership program can be found in the press releases, remarks, fact sheets, etc. sections of the main Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement webpage.] |
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