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Cheap Travel Insurance


The big brand travel agents are continuing to rip consumers off with their extortionate travel insurance prices – that’s the warning given today by specialist provider InsureandGo as it releases the results of its 2004 independent research.

The survey, conducted by Dipstick Research, highlights that consumers should always shop around for their cover as enormous savings of £218 for Single Trip European cover and £360 for Annual European cover can be made by buying comparative cover from InsureandGo, rather than from a travel agent.

To insure a family visiting Spain for two weeks, First Choice would charge a whopping £248 – the price that topped the rip off charts for single trip cover. However when asked how much its annual cover including winter sports would be, the price given was a baffling £200. InsureandGo’s cover would cost just £29.17.

The most expensive annual policy was from Thomas Cook with a hefty price tag of £425, while Lunn Poly was the only travel agent not to offer annual cover. In comparison InsureandGo charges just £65 - which includes cover for 17 days winter sports and over 40 adventure sports such as scuba diving and white water rafting.

Travel Agent Travel Insurance Rip Off Chart

  Single Trip, 2 Weeks Europe £ Annual European Annual European inc winter sports
Thomas Cook £216 £425 £425
First Choice £248 £150 £200
Lunn Poly £227.42 N/A N/A
Co-op Travel £97.50 £250 £310
STA Travel £90 £168 £168
Going Places £69.99 £149.99 £189.99
InsureandGo £29.17 £65 £65

All agents were asked for comparative cover to InsureandGo’s standard policies covering 2 adults and 6 under 18s.

Perry Wilson from InsureandGo said: “We realise that it may be more convenient for consumers to buy their cover at the same time as booking their holiday but they will certainly pay the price - enough in some cases to cover the cost of a person’s trip!

“Consumers should be aware however that travel agents make huge commissions on the insurance policies they sell - nearly 100% in some cases. So if a travel agent claims they can’t sell a holiday without the customer taking out their cover then they are actually breaking the law.”

Perry continued: “Annual cover should work out more cost effective if a person travels more than twice a year. But with the travel agent prices our survey’s revealed it’s hard to see where the saving would be made. And as for the prices quoted for single trip cover, they’re nothing more than diabolical. It’s a rip off - simple as that.

“We again question the Treasury’s decision not to include travel agents in the forthcoming industry regulation as we believe this will not only lead to a two tier system but more importantly one that is not designed to fully help and protect the consumer.”

Consumers can get covered with InsureandGo either over the phone by calling 0870 220 2240 or by visiting


For further information, or to interview Perry Wilson, please contact Stephanie Deazley on 01376 556 390 or email

· The survey was carried out on 26 March 2004 by Dipstick Research and was based on 2 adults and 6 under 18’s – the cover provided by InsureandGo’s standard single trip and annual policies.

· According to the 2004 Mintel Travel Insurance report, travel agents still hold the largest market share with around 34% of travel insurance sales.

· According to the ABI, UK holidaymakers and business travellers made 400,000 claims last year.

For more information about this article (PRESS ONLY) please contact:

Contact: Stephanie Deazley
Tel: 01376 556 390
E-mail: click here

For further product information, please contact:
Contact: James Richardson
Tel: 0870 010 1699
E-mail: click here

Cheap Travel Insurance

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