| | ContactsThe Office of Overseas Schools is staffed with a director and five regional education officers, each assigned oversight of a geographic region, who are well-informed about schools attended by U. S. citizen school-age dependent children. For information about overseas schools, you are encouraged to contact any of the following:
Dr. Keith D. Miller millerkd2@state.gov Tel: (202) 261-8200
Regional Education Officers
Africa Dr. Joseph P. Carney carneyjp2@state.gov Tel: (202) 261-8216
American Republics Dr. William H. Scotti scottiwh2@state.gov Tel: (202) 261-8219
East Asia Dr. Constance Buford bufordcw@state.gov Tel: (202) 261-8226
Eastern Europe Dr. LeRoy Key keylf@state.gov Tel: (202) 261-8213
Near East, South Asia, and the Mediterranean Dr. Beatrice Cameron cameronbh2@state.gov Tel: (202) 261-8211
Western Europe Dr. Robert R. Spillane spillanerr2@state.gov Tel: (202) 261-8216
Resource Center Coordinator
Carol T. Sutherland sutherlandct@state.gov Tel: (202) 261-8223
Office of Overseas Schools U.S. Department of State Room H328, SA-1, Washington, D. C. 20522-0132 Phone: (202) 261-8200 Fax: (202) 261-8224 E-mail: OverseasSchools@state.gov | |