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Bureau of Administration
Office of Overseas Schools
Teaching Overseas

Teaching Overseas

The international schools affiliated with the Department of State are independent, non-government schools sponsored by Americans or in which American citizens have considerable interest. Since they are not controlled by the U.S. government nor do they operate under any official administrative jurisdictional umbrella, they hire teachers and staff directly, establishing their own qualification standards and application procedures. Salary levels and benefit packages vary from school to school

Many of the American-sponsored schools overseas contract with private organizations in the United States to assist them in the recruitment process. The schools also frequently send representatives to stateside teacher recruiting fairs to locate qualified staff for anticipated vacancies. Included on this web site are addresses of some of the organizations that assist in recruiting staff for overseas teaching as well as addresses of organizations with teacher exchange programs.

In addition to communicating with these organizations, you may want to check the schools' web site as many now list recruiting information and their vacancies. Addresses for schools overseas can be obtained from the Fact Sheets on individual schools. 

The Department of Defense operates a school system for the benefit of dependents of U.S. military personnel stationed overseas. Recruitment of teachers for schools at military bases overseas is handled by the Department of Defense Education Activity.

--  Association of American Schools in South America; As released by the Office of Overseas Schools; Washington, DC
--  Council for International Exchange of Scholars; As released by the Office of Overseas Schools; Washington, DC
--  Council of International Schools; As released by the Office of Overseas Schools; Washington, DC
--  Foreign Affairs Spouses Teacher Training Program; As released by the Office of Overseas Schools; Washington, DC
--  Fulbright Teacher Exchange; Washington, DC
--  Institute of International Education; As released by the Office of Overseas Schools; Washington, DC
--  Inter-Regional Center for Curriculum & Materials Development (IRC); As released by the Office of Overseas Schools; Washington, DC
--  International Educators Cooperative; As released by the Office of Overseas Schools; Washington, DC
--  International Schools Services; As released by the Office of Overseas Schools; Washington, DC
--  Office of English Language Programs; As released by the Office of Overseas Schools; Washington, DC
--  Peace Corps; As released by the Office of Overseas Schools; Washington, DC
--  Queen's University Placement Office; As released by the Office of Overseas Schools; Washington, DC
--  References; Washington, DC
--  Search Associates; As released by the Office of Overseas Schools; Washington, DC
--  The International Educator; As released by the Office of Overseas Schools; Washington, DC
--  University of Northern Iowa; As released by the Office of Overseas Schools; Washington, DC

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