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Advisory Committee on Labor Diplomacy (ACLD)
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Advisory Committee on Labor Diplomacy (ACLD)

Since its inception in May 1999, the Advisory Committee on Labor Diplomacy has contributed significantly to the State Department's efforts to revitalize U.S. labor diplomacy. Its charter provides that the Committee shall advise the Secretary of State and the President of the United States on the resources and policies necessary to implement labor diplomacy in a manner that ensures U.S. leadership in promoting the objectives and ideals of U.S. labor policies.

In September 2000, the Advisory Committee presented a report analyzing and recommending measures to improve U.S. labor diplomacy efforts to the Secretary of State. The Department accepted, in some form, the majority of the Advisory Committee's recommendations. In December 2001, The Advisory Committee completed a second report addressing labor diplomacy's contribution to national security and democracy-building.

The Advisory Committee is made up of persons with extensive experience and knowledge in labor, business, academia, and government.

--11/17/03  ACLD Minutes, November 17, 2003
--05/02/03  ACLD Minutes, May 2, 2003
--09/18/02  ACLD Minutes, September 18, 2002
--02/15/02  Advisory Committee on Labor Diplomacy Charter
--12/31/01  Labor Diplomacy: In the Service of Democracy and Security
--12/19/01  ACLD Minutes, December 19, 2001
--11/14/01  ACLD Minutes, November 14, 2001
--10/04/01  ACLD Minutes, October 4, 2001

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