Anticorruption InitiativesBureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs The destabilizing effect that corruption has on political systems and democracy threatens vital U.S. national security interests. Corruption deters foreign investment in many countries, stifles economic growth and sustainable development, distorts prices and undermines legal and judicial systems. By diverting or misallocating government resources, corruption prevents public benefits from reaching those most in need of them. Poor governance and corruption help create the economic and social conditions that can breed disillusionment and nurture fanaticism. Terrorists thrive on corruption, collaborating with transnational organized criminals and utilizing smuggling and trafficking networks to facilitate and finance their activities. Corrupt officials, knowingly and unknowingly, aid terrorists by facilitating the illicit laundering of funds and illicit trade of weapons, passports, drugs, and persons. Terrorists also use bribes to obtain sensitive information from government sources. Corruption can help terrorists move across borders and find safe havens. Fighting corruption has become a key foreign policy priority for the President and his Administration. President Bush, in a statement to representatives of over 120 countries at the Third Global Forum on Fighting Corruption and Safeguarding Integrity in May 2003, remarked that "Fighting corruption is essential to meeting the great challenges of our times....When corruption flourishes, it weakens confidence in public institutions such as law enforcement, and undermines the honest values that democracy depends upon. All people deserve legal systems that spread opportunity, instead of protecting the narrow interests of a well-connected few." The Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs is committed to strengthening the international fight against corruption. In recent years, INL has pursued a mix of diplomatic and programmatic efforts to attain four primary international anticorruption goals. These four goals are: