Natural selection is known as a mechanism related to Darwin's theory of evolution. It may only bring the Natural Selection Food company to most people's minds. But more than ever "selecting natural" seems to be the only way to get ourselves out of a deadlock.
According to a definition by the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, published by Houghton Mifflin Company and based on Darwin's theory, natural selection is "the process in nature by which only the organisms best adapted to their environment tend to survive and transmit their genetic characteristics in increasing numbers to succeeding generations while those less adapted tend to be eliminated."
How could natural selection apply to the common "survivor" of the 21st century - you?
And how do YOU get adapted to an environment YOU chose to destroy, thinking you can play the survivors by imitating your favorite TV show heroes?
During the last decades we have made all the un-natural selections we could possibly make. We enraged our best friend - the environment - and reduced it to a mere enemy.
And how do we AT LEAST try to protect ourselves against our new "enemy"?
We make another anti-natural selection - we attack our next best friend, our own body, by stuffing it with harmful saturated fats, chemicals etc, by denying its rights for movement and action, which is what it was initially designed for, by ignoring healthy dieting and natural remedies such as natural antioxidant foods, chinese herbal products etc.
If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health. ~ Hippocrates, Greek, the Father of Medicine c. 460 - 377 B.C.
Greeks live longer than all other Europeans. This is due to their famous Mediterranean diet.
Can you make a "natural selection" of fresh fruits for you 3 times a day? A "natural selection" of fresh salads twice a day? Cook your meals by boiling fish/chicken (veal not recommended more than once a fortnight) with water, pure olive oil and fresh tomato juice mixed with another "natural selection" of fresh vegetables every day?
What do you mean the green-grocer is two miles away. Then you're in trouble and the only solution for you would be to consume multi vitamins consisting of all-natural ingredients gleaned solely from minerals stored within plants and the earth itself, with no artificial ingredients or preservatives - preferably in liquid form for higher effectiveness.
Nature is angry. And in pain. Wake up and help it in its "natural selection" function. Make sure you are included in the species that will survive! |