--12/06/04 NATOs Role in Bosnia and Herzegovina --10/27/04 Adriatic Charter --09/16/04 Open Skies Treaty: Second Russian Observation Mission in the United States --09/15/04 U.S. Assistance to Russia Fiscal Year 2004 --09/13/04 U.S. Assistance to Belarus Fiscal Year 2004 --09/13/04 U.S. Assistance to Moldova Fiscal Year 2004 --09/13/04 U.S. Assistance to Ukraine Fiscal Year 2004 --09/01/04 U.S. Commitment to Women in Europe and Eurasia --08/17/04 U.S. Assistance to Armenia Fiscal Year 2004 --08/17/04 U.S. Assistance to Azerbaijan Fiscal Year 2004 --08/17/04 U.S. Assistance to Georgia Fiscal Year 2004 --08/17/04 U.S. Assistance to Kazakhstan Fiscal Year 2004 --08/17/04 U.S. Assistance to Tajikistan Fiscal Year 2004 --08/17/04 U.S. Assistance to Turkmenistan Fiscal Year 2004 --08/17/04 U.S. Assistance to Uzbekistan Fiscal Year 2004 --08/17/04 U.S. Assistance to the Kyrgyz Republic Fiscal Year 2004 --08/06/04 Enhancing Cooperation Between the United States and Greenland --08/03/04 U.S.-U.K. Extradition Treaty --06/26/04 Text of U.S.-EU Declaration Supporting Peace, Progress, and Reform in the Broader Middle East and in the Mediterranean --06/26/04 Text of U.S.-EU Declaration of Support for the People of Iraq --06/26/04 Text of U.S.-EU Declaration on Combating Terrorism --06/26/04 Text of U.S.-EU Declaration on HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis --06/26/04 Text of U.S.-EU Declaration on Strengthening Our Economic Partnership --06/26/04 Text of U.S.-EU Declaration on Sudan --06/26/04 Text of U.S.-EU Declaration on the Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction --06/26/04 U.S.-EU Summit: Agreement on GPS-Galileo Cooperation --06/26/04 U.S.-EU Summit: Continuing Our Cooperation to Expand Transatlantic Trade --06/26/04 U.S.-EU Summit: Cooperation on the Development of the Hydrogen Economy --06/26/04 U.S.-EU Summit: Cooperation to Combat Terrorists and Other Serious Criminals --06/26/04 U.S.-EU Summit: Declaration on the Nonproliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction --06/26/04 U.S.-EU Summit: Fighting the Challenge of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic --06/26/04 U.S.-EU Summit: Strengthening the Transatlantic Economic Partnership --06/10/04 G8/Georgia Partnership --06/07/04 Open Skies Treaty First Russian Observation in the United States --05/03/04 The Berlin Donors' Conference: Helping Afghanistan Move Forward --03/29/04 Seven Nations Join North Atlantic Treaty Organization [PDF] --02/23/04 U.S. Assistance to Belarus Fiscal Year 2003 --02/17/04 U.S. Assistance to Armenia Fiscal Year 2003 --02/17/04 U.S. Assistance to Georgia Fiscal Year 2003 --02/17/04 U.S. Assistance to Kazakhstan Fiscal Year 2003 --02/17/04 U.S. Assistance to Moldova Fiscal Year 2003 --02/17/04 U.S. Assistance to Russia Fiscal Year 2003 --02/17/04 U.S. Assistance to Tajikistan Fiscal Year 2003 --02/17/04 U.S. Assistance to Turkmenistan Fiscal Year 2003 --02/17/04 U.S. Assistance to Ukraine Fiscal Year 2003 --02/17/04 U.S. Assistance to Uzbekistan Fiscal Year 2003 --02/17/04 U.S. Assistance to the Kyrgyz Republic Fiscal Year 2003 --01/16/04 Refugee Admissions Program for Europe and Central Asia --01/08/04 U.S. Global Positioning System and European Galileo System