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submit your ezine

"When I started using Ezine Announcer,  my Opt-in list grew by more than 40%!"

- Charles Broersma
"Over 120 new subscribers in 5 days!"

- Brian Rodruck

"I just submitted my article to over 200 ezines in 5 minutes!"

- Bill Grant
The Newsletter

"The software makes ezine promotion so much easier. It's by far the best tool I have purchased for my business yet!"

- Eva Browne-Paterson

... More Testimonials?
Click Here <<<

At Last! ... Now there's a faster and easier way to get instant exposure for your ezine newsletter and ezine articles -- all with a few clicks of your mouse. Read on to learn more about this amazing marketing weapon and ...

"Discover How To Generate a Stampede of New Subscribers & Traffic - While Actually Decreasing Your Workload - Using One-of-a-Kind Submission Software That Puts Your Ezine Newsletter & Ezine Article Promotion on Auto-Pilot!"

*** NEW Updated Version Just Released! ***

This is very exciting ... I just launched a brand new version of my best-selling software EzineAnnouncer this Summer 2004.

This latest release was delayed by 2 months since my team and I were busy adding over 1700 fresh new resources to the software!

Now, more than ever before, EzineAnnouncer gives you a TON of top resources and sites to auto-promote and auto-submit your ezine and articles, saving you countless hours of time!

Using this new version of EzineAnnouncer you will...
  • Get a ton of FREE publicity and promotion by listing your ezine & articles with the top directories

  • Get more traffic - boost your website search engine rankings, link popularity and improve your page rank by having dozens of ezine and article directories link back to you

  • Get more subscribers - follow a step-by-step ezine marketing plan to start generating more subscribers every day on auto-pilot with little or no effort!

  • Increase sales - Instantly find and email over one thousand targeted joint venture prospects and potential affiliates with a few clicks of your mouse

Plus, you'll get access to a database of 1372 ezine publishers in 50 different categories who are hungry for your article submissions.

Just press "Send" and you can blast out your articles in 60 seconds (or less) to these ezine publishers at any time, using EzineAnnouncer!

From: Jason Potash
Thursday, 10:26 a.m.

Dear Friend,

If you're serious about using your ezine newsletter to drive a flood of visitors to your site, suck in thousands of new subscribers, and start profiting from your very own opt-in subscriber cash machine, then read on!

Ezines (electronic newsletters sent via e-mail) are experiencing explosive growth (over 300,000) like never before. If you don't have a piece of the action, you're seriously missing out!

There's just one problem. . .

Publishing an ezine requires A LOT of work.

...creating content…attracting subscribers…getting your ezine…sending out your articles -- it never ends!

And just like neglecting to put gas in your car, if you stop constantly promoting and marketing your ezine, the momentum stops -- everything stalls to a grinding halt!

Listen. If you're perfectly happy achieving an ezine of 200 subscribers…view your ezine as a weekend hobby…or have loads of free time to spend promoting your ezine…you might as well close your browser right now.

The ezine marketing automation secrets I'm about to share won't be of interest to you at all.

On the other hand, if you'd like to discover how you can:

Automate your ezine marketing by up to 100% using ONE software 
product - not two or four.
Instantly access over 1700 resources to promote and market your ezine - you could easily waste 12 months wandering around the Internet trying to find this information yourself.
Suck in 50-700 subscribers in a single week by sending one 17 line e-mail!
Advertise your ezine to thousands (even hundreds of thousands) of potential ezine subscribers for free -- without using free classified ads
Create your own "ezine virus", let it spread the word about your ezine automatically -- just sit back and let it go!
Get high rankings in ALL the major search engines - automatically! (takes you no more than 30 minutes of work per month)
Find all the content you'll ever need for your ezine. In fact, you'll have new content e-mailed to you every day/week!
Get more subscribers -- guaranteed! I don't care if your newsletter targets Gardeners or Small Business Owners -- it doesn't matter.
  • Get 100s of new leads every week utilizing a few simple, proven tactics

    … then you'll be very interested in getting your hands on my new software.

    Test out EzineAnnouncer for 1-year -- risk free! Click Here Now To Order

    If you’re new to the ezine game, stay put! You’re about to discover a “make no mistakes” approach that’s guaranteed to save you months of agony, frustration and wasted effort.

    If you’re an ezine pro...what I’m about to reveal is literally like a “Get Out Of Jail Free” card –- you’ll break free from the robotic rituals of promoting your ezine and...

    Spend 80% Less Time & Effort Promoting Your Ezine While Catapulting Its Success!

    I'm about to show you a revolutionary new software application that literally puts your ezine marketing on auto-pilot the minute it's installed. It includes all the needed resources to help you build your ezine and free up your time.

    The best part is, it'll get you organized and automate the tedious keyboard pecking, grunt-work routines associated with ezine promotion by as much as 100%!

    So what kind of a software product are we talking about here?

    Well. . .for starters, here's what ezine marketing master Lee Benson had to say about it. By the way, Lee's been consistently pulling in a six figure income from his ezine for the past few years!

    "There's simply nothing like it!"

    "I've just downloaded EzineAnnouncer and taken it for spin, and I have to say it's already blown me away. It's phenomenal! It's just the tool people need to easily publicize their new ezines with the minimal of effort.

    The thing I like most is the ready-made ezine database (instantly telling me, at a glance, whether each ezine accepts free advertising and free articles submissions - which is a real bonus when wanting free publicity!) and the fact that I can submit to these folks with the click of a mouse button. There's simply nothing like it!

    I'd recommend your powerful tool as a time-saving and effective resource for any Internet marketer who is serious about using ezines in their business strategy."


    Lee Benson

    Want to read dozens more testimonials and comments? . . . click here

    Are You Ready To Begin Profiting From Your Own Ezine?


    Amazing new software puts your ezine promotion and growth on auto-pilot!

    Click Here Now To Order

    If you haven't already jumped on the ezine bandwagon, you're missing out. Thousands of successful ezine publishers are reaping the financial rewards of this incredible marketing medium - there's nothing like it!

    Wouldn't you like to join the club?

    Where else can you:

    Instantly promote your business online anytime with the flick of a switch at ZERO cost to you!

    Create a flood of traffic to your website in less than 24 hrs - just turn on the tap and BAM!

    Generate MEGA profits by investing 30 minutes of your time - where else can you generate this kind of ROI (Return On Investment)?

    Use the ultimate form of free advertising - generate 10 times the results of paid ezine or classified ads

    Gain free exposure and publicity -- become a respected authority on any topic in record time

    … and much more!

    And if you're using your ezine newsletter to promote an ebook, launch a new product, or promote an affiliate program, ezines provide an unparalleled marketing machine at ZERO cost to you!

    • Unleash a 24/7 marketing magnet that pulls in prospects without costing you a dime!

    • Get hundreds of potential websites instantly promoting your ebook or products without you even cracking a sweat!

    • Develop a coin operated, auto-pilot, seek-and-signup, virtual affiliate recruiter without really doing any work at all!

    • Get more ebook downloads in a day than most get in a month!

    But make no mistake. Ezine success takes time.

    The fact is, the majority of successful ezine publishers have spent years gathering their own "scrapbooks" of knowledge, resources and software to ensure their continued success.

    Can you really wait that long?

    I didn't think so. Get EzineAnnouncer working for you.
    Click Here Now To Order

    FREE Special Bonus Report!

    Want to BUILD an ezine and GET subscribers -- FAST?
    You need to know the 7 keys.
    Get your free 4-part mini-course now


    You will be forwarded back to this spot once you subscribe

    Note: Your email address will never be sold or disclosed to anyone. Plus, you won't receive an endless swarm of junk mail either. That's a personal promise.

    Chances are, you didn't start your ezine so you could spend 12 months learning the ropes -- reading every article on the subject known to man -- just to figure out what works, right?

    You started so you could jump right in...quickly build your ezine, gain maximum exposure - fast, and start earning a profit as soon as possible.

    If I'm right about this, you're going to love what EzineAnnouncer has to offer. That's because it shortens the ezine learning curve, shows you how and where to market your ezine, and frees up your time by automating the tedious and repetitive tasks, chores, and routines that your ezine will demand such as. . .


    Submitting your ezine to all the top Ezine Directories - up to 100% of the work (typing) is automatically done for you


    Promoting your ezine through Announcement Lists - over 60 lists are included - one click and you'll submit via e-mail to them all


    Registering your articles - you'll automatically register your content with over 40 of the top article archive sites - visited by millions!


    Blasting your articles out to other ezines - it's the ultimate form of free advertising. EzineAnnouncer blasts out your articles in one click.


    Posting 100s of free ezine ads - you'll be automatically reminded to resubmit every week or month


    Tracking your ads, contacts, sales - without having to struggle with 3 or 4 different software applications

    Without EzineAnnouncer it would take you at least 12 months (if not two years -- see below) to gather all the 1700+ included resources. Instead, everything's laid out for you on a silver platter.

    What's more, the amount of manual work and time that's required to promote your ezine is the silent killer.

    This is why I use EzineAnnouncer a minimum of twice a week. I blast out my articles, submit my ezine ads, and ad swap requests with ease. It saves me a TON of time, keeps me better organized and in total control -- I'd be lost without it.

    "I WISH it had been around when I started"

    "I have a myriad of bits of software, manual lists, and other *Heath Robinson* systems of my own that I have developed over two years and lots of sweat and trawling around to do what EzineAnnouncer will do all in one. I WISH it had been around when I started."

    Pamela Heywood, Business Mewsdesk
    14,000+ subscribers

    Want to read dozens more testimonials and comments? . . . click here

    Now before we continue, let's get one thing straight...

    EzineAnnouncer is NOT some lame 20 page e-book that I've tried to TRICK YOU into believing is a "software" package. Lately, this seems to be a trend. I keep seeing e-books advertised that are incorrectly labeled "software".

    EzineAnnouncer IS a computer software application, not an e-book -- period!

    See for yourself. Put EzineAnnouncer to the test.
    Click Here Now To Order

    Most e-books on the subject tell you how to grow your ezine or give you nothing more than a laundry list of 99 hyperlinks on where to start. EzineAnnouncer goes the next step and shows you how to grow your ezine, and then does the actual work for you.

    It's the ultimate ezine marketing weapon!

    Plus, with your copy of EzineAnnouncer, you'll receive a companion guide, "10 Day Subscriber Surge". It's a complete step-by-step system that takes you by the hand and kicks your ezine marketing into overdrive.

    And If you're not a computer whiz or ezine veteran, don't worry. Even an 11 year old can figure out how to use EzineAnnouncer. Everything is laid out in plain English complete with detailed explanations and graphic illustrations.

    For those of you who are more seasoned with computers and ezines, you'll fly through EzineAnnouncer in no time.

    Your Ezineannouncer tutorials are very helpful to someone like me who is not very computer literate or technical oriented.

    Rhonda Rosser
    MakingNetMoney Journal

    Have You Made These Ezine Marketing Mistakes?

    More often than not, ezine beginners make the same mistake. They spend hours crafting that "killer" ezine, submit their ezine to 30 or 40 ezine directories, and then wonder why the world doesn't beat a path to their door.

    Hey, Rome wasn't built in a day...and the same applies to your ezine. To build a successful ezine, you've got to constantly promote and market it like crazy -- it's not a one-time effort!

    Ezine Promotion Tip:

    "In order to gain new subscribers for your publication, you must continuously promote it.

    I've found that if I spend a half an hour each day listing my ezine, articles and website at various Search Engines, Directories, etc., within a months time, I have doubled my web traffic simply by spending 15 - 30 minutes each day on promotions."

    Shelley Lowery, Etips
    6,000+ subscribers

    This is why you're throwing your money out the window if you think that "one time" Ezine Directory submission services will guarantee you instant ezine success -- if only it were that easy!

    If "one time" is your approach to marketing, I have some "SuperBowl" advertising slots that I think you'll be interested in ;-)

    And by the way, these services don't come cheap either. Just take a look at what I dug up on the net just the other day. . .

    Example #1

    Example #2

    (Note: I've purposely grayed out the company information -- I don't want to make any enemies here. If you want to check these sites out for yourself, send me an e-mail and I'll forward the links to you).

    As you can see, there's quite a variety of services and prices available. And in case you didn't notice, most of them aren't cheap. I'll bet you these guys above already own a copy of EzineAnnouncer. Heck, they could pay for a copy within 1 use!

    The good news is, you don't have to shell out big bucks just to get your ezine promoted.


    Automatically Complete Online Submission Forms By Up To 100%

    I'll admit, submitting to ezine directories is bit of a pain -- it can be very time consuming. Just take a look at the required steps:


    Search & compile your own list of ezine directories


    Visit each site


    Find out how to submit your ezine


    Submit your ezine - complete required submission forms

    ... as you can see, it's a tedious and repetitive process.

    But're not finished yet!

    Then you've got to spend countless hours doing the EXACT same thing over and over again! Sounds like fun doesn't it?

    Don't sweat it. EzineAnnouncer comes pre-loaded with over 100 ezine directories and 60 announcement sources -- just click and submit. Unlike your counterparts, you'll fly through sites in seconds since EzineAnnouncer automatically completes online forms by up to 100%.

    That's right, all the required fields are populated by themselves. You complete one "master" form within EzineAnnouncer and the software takes care of the rest. It's a HUGE time saver!

    "You've got a real winner here!"

    "EzineAnnouncer has made the tedious ezine and article submission routine a snap. And with the great selection of resources that's included I've increased my promotional efforts in less time. You've got a real winner here!"

    Jogena Garrett
    Jogena's Ezine Directory

    Want to read dozens more testimonials and comments? . . . click here

    Just a quick note to let you know how great I think EzineAnnouncer is.

    It has allowed me to free up 70% of my time wasted on admin PLUS in the first 7 days I have signed up 124 new subscribers. My goal of 10,000 subscribers doesn't look like a distant possibility after all.

    Keep up the great work!!

    Damian Qualter UK

    Want to see how it works?
    Click Here for a Virtual Tour.

    What if a site only accepts submissions by e-mail? No problem. EzineAnnouncer will point out these sites for you -- one click of your mouse and you'll fire off an e-mail (or 100s of e-mails) with the required information automatically included.

    I hope you're beginning to see the power of EzineAnnouncer. It really doesn't get much easier than this.

    If you're ready to get started with EzineAnnouncer -- Click Here Now To Order

    Here’s an idea for you. . .(like one of the companies above) you could charge others $59.97 a pop to promote their ezine and use EzineAnnouncer as your secret weapon. Hey, people are doing it today, and they’re making money at it! 20 sites for $59.97 –- takes you less than 10 minutes using EzineAnnouncer. $59.97 for 10 min of work -- Not bad at all!

    Get Your Articles Viewed by THOUSANDS of Hungry Ezine Publishers Each Month!

    Sounds impossible? Read on...

    If you've read any articles from the leading ezine experts, you'll know about the power of articles. In fact, some experts claim that having other ezines publish your articles is the most powerful form of free advertising available today!

    Here's what ezine "king" Terry Dean has to say about writing articles:

    Ezine Promotion Tip:

    "Having your article published in an ezine is currently the easiest and the most productive form of free advertising on the Net.
    In my experience, an article being run for me will usually pull around the same as a sponsorship ad or just slightly less than the sponsor ad. The advantage to it is that it won't cost you a penny."

    Terry Dean, Web Gold Ezine
    57,000+ subscribers

    Getting your articles published will:

    • Get your name in front of HUNDREDS of thousands of people for free

    • Generate 10 TIMES the response of paid ezine ads

    • Increase traffic to your website

    • Attract new subscribers to your ezine

    • Stimulate sales for your product(s)

    • Position yourself as a respected, trusted, authority in your area of expertise

    • Get your articles (and ezine) listed in the major search engines

    Many ezine publishers are always on the lookout for fresh, interesting content (articles, news, etc.). And most of them make a habit of frequently visiting websites that cater to those looking for content.

    Are you familiar with these websites?

    Having your articles posted on such websites puts your name in front of thousands of ezine publishers on a weekly basis. EzineAnnouncer provides you with all the top places for you to list your articles and get noticed!

    Or, if you don't like to write, EzineAnnouncer will help you find all the articles and content you'll ever need for your ezine.

    Make no mistake about it, marketing your articles is an extremely powerful form of ezine advertising.

    And who knows. . .if your articles get picked up by some larger ezines, thus increasing your subscriber base, you could soon be selling ad space in your ezine! The good news is, with EzineAnnouncer, you'll be able to track your ad sales too (more about this later on...)

    Bottom line, articles work. If you are ready to give your subscribers and profits a big boost ... Click Here Now To Order! 

    When I first used Ezine Announcer, I timed myself. The first
    time, I finished one round of article submissions in just 15
    minutes! But that was just the beginning. The next time it
    took just EIGHT minutes! That's an incredible 375% faster. 

    The time I spent learning to use Ezine Announcer is perhaps the most productive half-hour in my 6 year ezine publishing career.

    Dr. Mani Sivasubramanian
    Ezine Launch -


    An article that I published recently was picked up by several ezines as the feature, within a day of submitting it to a number of directories using EzineAnnouncer. 

    One of these was a small business ezine with an Opt-In list of more than 42,000! AMAZING!

    Charles B. Broersma 
    CEO of CTHorizons
    Want to read dozens more testimonials and comments? . . . click here

    Dear Jason,

    I have used your excellent Ezineannouncer software, and am very excited with the results! Before using Ezineannouncer, I wasted many hours doing all the manual promotion stuff, like submitting articles and getting my E-zine listed in all the directories. Ezineannouncer has saved me tons of my valuable time and you can bet I will use the software to further expand my E-business.

    Sincerely, and thanks for this one! 

    Dirk Dupon, from

    Get  4 TIMES  The Response When Submitting
    Your Articles By Personalizing Your E-mails!

    Studies indicate that personalizing your e-mails can QUADRUPLE your response rates!

    This is critical when sending your article submissions to other ezines. (You ARE writing and submitting articles. . .aren't you?)

    Note: Some ezine pros have made fortunes by simply hammering out articles month after month.

    Instead of sending a "canned" e-mail (Dear Editor or Dear Friend), you can use EzineAnnouncer to personalize your e-mails (Dear Mary) to ensure maximum results.

    Let me give you an example of how this works with EzineAnnouncer.

    Let's suppose you created an e-mail template that looks like this:

    Hi [First.Name]

    I've included my latest article for your ezine [Ezine.Name]. I'm certain your readers will find value in reading "[Article.Title]" as it provides an interesting perspective on [Article.Category].

    would automatically pick up the necessary fields from the included database of hundreds of ezine publishers and merge them into your e-mail. Here's what "Mary" would see on the receiving end:

    Hi Mary

    I've included my latest article for your ezine The Write Stuff. I'm certain your readers will find value in reading "The Power of Ezines" as it provides an interesting perspective on E-mail Marketing.

    Doesn't this make your article submissions look so much more professional by adding your own personal touch?

    More important, because you're personalizing each e-mail, you're less likely to get your message immediately trashed = quadruple the response!

    You could easily spend $130-$350 buying e-mail software that allows you personalize your e-mail messages.

    Or, you can pick up a copy of EzineAnnouncer for less than half the cost!

    Click Here Now To Order

    If you're using Outlook, you can't mail merge. . .Eudora?. . .sorry you're out of luck once again.

    And if you tried to personalize each message by hand, it would take you hours of tedious manual labor! EzineAnnouncer gives you the best of both worlds -- one-click personalized e-mails without having to buy additional software.

    It gets even better...I've saved the best part for last. With your copy of EzineAnnouncer, you'll receive an invaluable bonus. . .

    * * *  SPECIAL BONUS * * *

    You get my personal Ezine Rolodex that includes 1372 Ezines (in 50 categories) that are ready to accept your article submissions right now!

    You read correct. EzineAnnouncer comes pre-loaded with these contacts. First name, last name, e-mail, category, URL, ezine name -- it's all in there.

    You just select a few categories, and blast out your articles with the click of a mouse!

    Just think of the possibilities?

    It would easily take you months of research and data entry to try and compile this Ezine Rolodex on your own. Or, I suppose you could be really foolish and use a "one shot" submission service to blast out your article. . .

    Did you catch that? $49.95 for a one-time submission of your article to 350 Editors. If you're writing one article per month (as you should), be prepared to shell out close to $600 per year just for your article submissions!

    Better yet, save your money!

    With EzineAnnouncer, you can submit all the articles you want, whenever you want for a one-time investment of only $69.

    Click Here To Order Now!

    EzineAnnouncer provides you with well over 1300 Ezine Editors and you can submit whenever you want.

    But please, act responsibly. Only submit one article per month. Any more and you could be blacklisted and accused of sending multiple unsolicited e-mails - otherwise known as SPAM!

    Now that you've just learned about the powerful e-mail template merge functions in EzineAnnouncer and the MASSIVE database of ezine contacts you'll receive, are you getting excited yet? I thought you would ;-)

    Bottom line, the Ezine Rolodex alone is easily worth more than the cost of EzineAnnouncer.

    But wait, there's still more to tell you about. . .

    You Get Access to 100+ Ezines That WANT Your Ads!

    Don't underestimate the power of ezine ads -- it's one of the most powerful forms of marketing out there.

    Many ezine publishers have used free ads and ad swaps to explode their subscriber lists and generate MEGA profits. You can too!

    With paid ezine ads, you can easily spend $50-$80 on a one-time ad with little results. For those of you on a shoestring budget, free ezine ads can't be beat.

    Advertise your product, ezine, e-book, or affiliate program for FREE!

    Tell me. . .does it get any better than this?

    Even though free ezine ads are great, there is one downfall. Aside from the chore of submitting the ad themselves, it's a real battle trying to keep track of all your ad submissions.

    Some ezines let you advertise free every week or month. BUT, to keep your ad listed, you must resubmit it. Try keeping track of 100+ sites, and which sites to resubmit to  every week or every month. It'll drive you nuts!

    Just like a trustworthy personal assistant, EzineAnnouncer automatically reminds you every week or month when you need to resubmit your ads. Then, with a few clicks of your mouse -- presto, your ads are resent automatically using auto-forms or mass e-mail.

    Just think -- you could easily reach 150,000 people each month by advertising in a few well circulated ezines. With this kind of exposure you're bound to attract a flood of new subscribers and generate some serious cash.

    Also, by using simple ad tracking techniques you can quickly pinpoint the ezine ads that give you the greatest response. Then focus in on those ezines for maximum results!

    Some entrepreneurial individuals have even made a business out of free ezine ads. Have you seen them? As a service, they charge $2 for each ezine ad that they place for you.

    EzineAnnouncer includes over 100 free ezine ad sources -- if you paid someone else to place these ads for you:

    100 ads x $2 = $200 (WOW!)

    Don't waste your cash!

    Now you can easily do-it-yourself, again-and-again, with a few clicks of your mouse using EzineAnnouncer. And you'll also receive free updates -- you'll never have a shortage of new places to place your ads!

    Remember, EzineAnnouncer is truly an automation product and does up to 100% of the work for you -- without typing!

    This tool is REMARKABLE!! I am so impressed
    with everything it has to offer.

    Thanks a million for everything!

    Bill Faulkner
    CyberNetworks Ezine

    I hope you're beginning to appreciate what an invaluable tool EzineAnnouncer really is.  Where else can you find a product that packs so much punch?

    • Costs less than using one-time "submission" service companies

    • Up to 100% of manual, labor intensive submissions are automatically done for you!

    • 6-in-1 product - Lets you submit to over 100 ezine directories, 70 announcement lists, 30 article directories, 12 article announcement lists, 100+ free ad sources, etc.

    • Blast out your articles to 1372 top Ezine Publishers without paying monthly fees

    • Can be used repeatedly again and again

    • You control the quality and quantity of work – make sure it gets done right

    • Everything is included – don’t pay extra for announcements, directory listings, etc.

    • Tracks everything -- your contacts, ads, customers & sales (more about this later on).

    Anyway, enough about ads, there's one last thing to quickly tell you about. . .

    Or, if you are anxious to get started, Click Here Now To Order


    Using EzineAnnouncer WILL save you a heck of a lot of time and greatly shorten the ezine "learning curve". If you've tried to promote your ezine without it, you'll know EXACTLY what I mean.


    Your ezine WILL grow by using this product and you WILL get new subscribers. How many subscribers? Good question ... I've witnessed several ezines bring in over 300 subscribers in one week using just ONE of the resources provided within EzineAnnouncer.

    Plus, it's a lot less painful than you "wandering around in the desert” trying to figure out *how* to promote your ezine on your own.

    It also makes MUCH more sense than trying to use Notepad, Excel, or Outlook for something that they clearly weren’t intended for – managing, tracking and automating your ezine promotion.

    "It is absolutely fantastic!! I LOVE IT!"

    Hello Jason

    I just wanted to give you some positive feedback regarding EzineAnnouncer. It is absolutely fantastic!! I LOVE IT!

    The software makes ezine submission so much easier! There is no way I could have ever known about all the resources you have included in this brilliant package! I will be using Ezine Announcer every day! It is by far the best tool I have purchased for my business yet!

    Kind regards

    Eva Browne-Paterson
    EvieB's New-Z - Your One Stop Advertising Resource

    Want to read dozens more testimonials and comments? . . . click here

    Look at it this way. Suppose you were having a Saturday garage sale and announced it by putting up one flyer on a lamp post. How many people would come? Would you sell anything?

    Now imagine if you put up 100 or 200 flyers -- on every stop sign and lamp post within a 10 mile radius. . .dropped off a stack of flyers at all the local shops in town. . .you even hand delivered some flyers door-to-door in the neighborhood.

    Which method of promotion would be most effective? The answer is obvious.

    EzineAnnouncer allows you to take this EXACT same "guerilla" approach to promoting your ezine. Get it out there, everywhere -- as quickly as possible -- promote your ezine like crazy and fire with ALL cylinders!

    Yet with EzineAnnouncer, you'll save yourself A TON of legwork by using the built in automation features and plug-and-profit resources.

    And to help you get started with EzineAnnouncer, you’ll even receive a copy of my e-book “10-day Subscriber Surge”. It includes a step-by-step action plan to be used with EzineAnnouncer that’s sure to get your ezine off to the races in no time flat!

    You can get instant access to the software and 7 free bonus gifts by clicking below:

    Click Here Now To Order

    How Does EzineAnnouncer Compare?

    During my search to find ezine promotion software, I searched everywhere. In the process I discovered a whole bunch of different "submission" packages:

    (These are all actual software programs currently available for purchase online).

    Search engine submission software:

    • AddWeb Website Promoter... $59.00

    • WebPosition Gold... $149.00

    FFA submission software:

    • FFA Blaster... $99.95

    • Free Link Finder... $99.90

    Shareware submission software:

    • Aid Submission Genius... $90.00

    • Addsoft... $89.00

    Average price = $98.81

    But no ezine submission software existed. And it still doesn’t – EzineAnnouncer is the only product of its kind.

    By using the above list as a guideline, I suppose that I could easily charge between $89-$100 for EzineAnnouncer. Also bear in mind that each of these tools only includes one function (i.e. search engine submission, FFA submission, etc.)

    But we're really comparing apples to oranges here. . .

    Since EzineAnnouncer includes several different "submission" capabilities (ezine directories, article directories, free ads...) -- like four or five products in one -- I suppose that I could easily justify charging over $130 for the software.

    But EzineAnnouncer sells like crazy, so I'm willing to bite the bullet and charge much less.

    That's why I’ve decided to set the price for EzineAnnouncer at an affordable $69.
    Less than the cost of dinner for two at a decent restaurant. Less than the cost of placing a one-time ad in a popular ezine . . .

    You might still be thinking. . .”$69? That’s a lot of dough for a software product”.

    And maybe you’re right. For a "typical" software product $69 might be a little high. If I were offering an e-book creator, screen saver, or text editor application, I'd be insane to ask more than 50 bucks.

    However, EzineAnnouncer is really an automation software product PLUS five (5) resource guides (lists/directories) all in one. In fact, it took over 8 months of research -- compiling information, digging through old articles, and resources to complete the over 1700 available places to promote your site.

    It took even longer to develop the software itself and program in the many automation features and templates (to save you the time and hassle of having to fill in online forms & e-mails manually by yourself).

    I’ve seen resources and directories (in e-book format) on the web that easily cost $37 or more. But, as mentioned before, they’re nothing more than a “laundry list” of places to promote your ezine. In fact, EzineAnnouncer contains at least 4 TIMES more resources and information than 2 or 3 of these $47 e-books put together.


    I hope you’re beginning to appreciate the tremendous amount of time and effort that went into building this ezine promotion toolkit. 

    Actually, it would have been a heck of a lot easier for me to produce a 15 page e-book, or “mickey mouse” software utility, and charge you $29.95 - $47 like everyone else out there.

    So, you now have a choice. . .

    You can continue (or begin) to promote your ezine by paying your dues, digging around the Internet for answers, wasting months of your limited time, and putting together bits and pieces by yourself.

    Or, you can invest $69, save yourself the time and aggravation, automate your efforts by 80%+, and jump start the success of your ezine. You can begin promoting your ezine the very next day!

    I got 300% more subscribers in one hour than spending 9 hours before! New subscribers are still trickling in from that one promotion. I track my ads, so I know the subscribers came from the EzineAnnouncer promotion.

    EzineAnnouncer is a Great Time Saver!

    Cynthia Castellon, Editor
    Thrifty Resources and Tips
    Cyndi's lite-bits

    Want to read dozens more testimonials and comments? . . . click here

    When you consider the amount of time, research and wasted effort you'll save by using EzineAnnouncer, you'll begin to realize that, in comparison, $69 is really a drop in the bucket.

    The choice is yours. . .TIME = MONEY. 

    If you have a lot of free time on your hands, have the patience for mind numbing, repetitive-type work, or you’re time is only worth a couple of bucks an hour, then perhaps this software is not for you.

    You might as well bail out right here.

    But if you’re like most aspiring ezine publishers, you want to get your ezine off the ground right away with minimal effort and cost, right?  

    There are many joys and rewards to publishing an ezine. Slaving away at ezine promotion is not one of them.

    Do yourself a favor. . .spend a few bucks and save yourself from throwing away months of your time only to end up following the same road to failure like so many have before you.

    With my rock-solid money back guarantee, if EzineAnnouncer doesn't deliver the goods, I lose.

    To get started ... Click Here Now To Order

    You CANNOT Possibly Lose With My Double Guarantee!

    Listen to this: all you have to do is say "maybe". . .

    GUARANTEE #1:  Six Month "Test-Drive"  

    It's as simple as that. Give EzineAnnouncer a try. You have 6 months to jump start your ezine and convince yourself of the value of owning a copy of EzineAnnouncer.

    If EzineAnnouncer doesn’t pay for itself within 6 months, show me you’ve at least tried to use EzineAnnouncer, and I’ll see to it personally that your money is 100% refunded within 48 hours or less. You don’t even have to ship anything back. Just uninstall (or delete) the software off of your hard drive -- I trust you.

    Now, when I say “pays for itself in 6 months” let’s get something clear. This is totally your call. . .

    Maybe getting 350 new subscribers in one month is worth $69 to you.

    Or pulling in a cool $400 from a free ezine ad that you ran is worth $69 to you.

    Or placing 300+ ads for free instead of one ad for $50 – worth $69? You tell me.

    Or getting your article picked up by two ezines with a combined subscriber base of 45,000 is worth $69 to you.

    You may even realize that EzineAnnouncer has saved you at least 3, 12 or 20 hours per week -- more time for you to spend with your friends & family. Is that worth $69 to you?

    Or the fact that you can do your own ezine promotion rather than pay a service company $49.95 to $175 every single time -- saving you hundreds of dollars per year!

    Whatever your reasons are, I can’t predict your sense of value – it’s totally your call.

    However you feel that you can profit and benefit from EzineAnnouncer, you have a full 6 months to prove its worth and value to yourself.

    And if you're still trying to justify to yourself why you should choose EzineAnnouncer -- just take a look at the BIG money that you'll be saving:

    Ezine Marketing Shopping List

    Ezine Directory submission service


    Article submission service


    E-book of FREE ezine ads


    E-mail software (supports e-mail merge)



    $205.95 -- $561.95

    Or you could pick up a copy of EzineAnnouncer for just 69 bucks, get ALL the above benefits (and more), and NEVER have to spend another dime on ezine marketing and promotion ever again!

    Remember, you’ll also receive my e-book, 10-day Subscriber Surge that provides you with a “blueprint” for ezine promotion success using EzineAnnouncer.

    Follow it step-by-step and I know you’ll succeed just like the growing number of power EzineAnnouncer users out there.

    GUARANTEE #2:  Amazing 1 Year Warranty!

    Use EzineAnnouncer for one year. If you can look me straight in the eye and honestly say that EzineAnnouncer has not:

    A. Provided you with an invaluable set of resources
    B. Saved you countless hours & weeks of time
    C. Created a stampede of subscribers for your ezine
    D. Helped you tremendously in building your ezine

    ...AND paid for itself 10 TIMES over (Note: even if I'm only half right, that's still a $345 value!), return the product for a 100% no buts or hassles refund.

    To take me up on this incredible offer, Click Here Now To Order

    There is absolutely no risk, you cannot possibly lose or waste a penny. You MUST be completely thrilled with EzineAnnouncer or your money back.

    I don't know what else I can do to convince you.

    Well, these incredible 7 bonus items might help. . .

    FREE Bonuses Are Yours To Keep!

    And whether you decide to keep EzineAnnouncer or not, to show my appreciation for your time, I’m including a bunch of great bonuses below that are yours to keep. 

    These bonuses are sure to help you even more with your ezine promotion and marketing:


    EzineAnnouncer Video Tutorials

    Become an ezine master in 30 minutes!

    My 5 step-by-step video tutorials walk you through your own successful ezine marketing campaign. You'll learn how to use EzineAnnouncer in no time. Video files are small for easy downloading.

    BONUS GIFT #1 -- $29.95 value

    EzineLaunch - Insider Guide to Creating a Killer Ezine
    Are you an ezine newbie?
    Confused about how to start an ezine?

    My friend Dr. Mani lays it all out for you in his best selling ebook. Normally, you'd pay $47 for this ebook. Dr. Mani has produced a special version of EzineLaunch just for EzineAnnouncer customers. You won't find it anywhere else!

    BONUS GIFT #2 -- $14.95 value

    DemandMail Autoresponder & Ad Tracking Service

    I just recently converted all my autoresponders over to DemandMail -- it's a great service!
    With DemandMail you can automatically sign up new subscribers, personalize your ezine (i.e. Dear Bill), improve your followup marketing, track your ads, and more!

    My friend Brian Rodruck, CEO of DemandMail has offered a free 30 day account to all EzineAnnouncer customers.

    BONUS GIFT #3 -- $49.95 value

    Ezine Rolodex
    This directory is the perfect companion to EzineAnnouncer. The 'Ezine Rolodex' provides you with 1372 Ezines that accept Article Submissions. They're all pre-loaded into EzineAnnouncer. You just click the "send" button!

    Remember, promoting your articles is one of the most powerful, no cost ezine promotion techniques around. The 'Ezine Rolodex' makes it easy.

    BONUS GIFT #4 -- $29.95 value

    Classified Ads Magic Secrets
    Want to make the most out of using free ezine ads? Then you better study the proven techniques that will make your ads JUMP off the page and demand action!

    'Classified Ads Magic Secrets' is a complete ad course that will teach you the art and science of writing winning ezine ads. I've seen similar courses offered for $29.95. 'Classified Ads Magic Secrets' is yours free! 

    BONUS GIFT #5 -- $19.95 value

    'Ziney' Ezine Authoring Software

    If you've ever tried to use Microsoft Word or Notepad to create your ezine or articles, you're well aware of the formatting, word wrapping and line break problems. Bottom line, you need to use the right tool for the job -- Ziney is that tool!


    I've tried a number of different text editors and am really impressed with Ziney - I use it every day. As an ezine publisher, I understand the value of owning a powerful, yet easy-to-use, text editor. Therefore, I just HAD TO work out a deal with Kenth Nasstrom the developer of Ziney -- I purchased the full resale rights. Ziney normally sells online for $19.95, but as a special bonus, you get the FULL version for free! A new version of Ziney is currently under development and will sell for $70.00!

    BONUS GIFT #6 -- $29.95 value

    E-Mail Marketing Strategies - Revealed

    Learn the fundamentals to quickly building an online business using effective e-mail techniques.

    'E-mail Marketing Strategies - Revealed' contains a truckload of invaluable information to make your e-mail marketing more effective and profitable. Dozens of tips are included to help you: avoid the 3 most lethal and costly e-mail mistakes, how to collect more (opt-in) e-mail addresses using a simple twist on an existing technique, how to avoid being labeled as a "spammer". . .and much more!

    BONUS GIFT #7 -- $35.00+ value

    EzineAnnouncer Upgrades For Life!

    Most software companies charge for product upgrades (50% of the purchase price). With EzineAnnouncer you’ll not only receive LIFETIME software upgrades, you’ll also receive any new resources, places to promote your ezine, ezines offering free ads, etc. These lists are growing all the time. You’ll be provided with a link that allows you to download these new resources right into EzineAnnouncer. Just think, you’ll never run out of new and profitable places to promote your ezine!

    Note: This is not an annual fee or "club" membership like some websites offer. With your one-time order, you get UNLIMITED updates and new resources for life - period.


    Do you want instant access to all these bonus gifts?

    Click Here Now To Order

    A remarkable, one-of-a-kind product. . .7 great bonuses worth over 200 bucks. . .a rock-solid 1 year, 100% money back guarantee!

    Don’t procrastinate or put this off -- It’s easy to say “I’ll do it later” or “I’ll get back to this next week”. Be a person of action.  
    While it’s still fresh in your mind, go over to your coat pocket right now, get out your credit card and simply click on the button below.

    Click here to start your ezine on the path to success without risk – using our secure server for online ordering. Within a minute, you’ll receive instructions that will allow you to download EzineAnnouncer and the bonus items right away.

    Wishing you great success with your ezine,

    Jason Potash

    P.S.  Remember, there is zero risk on your part, and unlike some products, you won’t feel pressured into evaluating EzineAnnouncer in 30 days. Take your time. With my double guarantee, you have a full year to prove to yourself just how valuable EzineAnnouncer is. If you’re not completely thrilled and impressed with EzineAnnouncer and the resources provided – you’ll receive every penny of your money back within 48 hours - period!

    P.P.S. Many EzineAnnouncer customers have mentioned to me that the product is too cheap. I'm not charging an annual fee or subscription for updates. Yet, I put a TON of work into keeping the product database clean and adding new resources and sites. You receive these updates free for life. I may wise up someday and start charging an annual subscription for updates. But, right now, one thing is for sure, by purchasing EzineAnnouncer today, you're locked in at only $69. No additional fees ever, that's a promiseClick Here Now To Order.


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