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Search Engine Optimization Software
From Leading Australian Professional - Anthony
There have been many great advances in software technology over the years, one to stand out is the advancement in software to achieve high rankings. Many companies attempt to make substantial and suitable SEO software, though none have really been all that successful I would say. Now with that statement the first thing that probably comes to mind is Web-Position Gold 2. What a guess that was. Let’s face it people, incorporating techniques into a software program and then distributing to the world is not that effective. Look at it like this, these companies study search engines at a current point in time, and then they develop their software for those standards. Once they have Beta tested the software, fixed faults and released it, search engines have changed their algorithms to account for other techniques. Search engines are aware of all of these types of software and account for them to ensure that high rankings are kept to a minimum from the use of them. Some search engine algorithms clearly identify certain criteria that these programs incorporate and penalise them hard.
Be aware that what these programs actually offer is not so much optimisation, but actually spamming a webpage with words and phrases in attempt to achieve the high ranking. These programs cannot add good relevant copywriting to your pages which is what the search engines mainly base rankings on nowadays. Think smart and do not opt for the quick fix, cause that’s all you will gain from such software, a quick shoot up the rankings, then down you go to never be seen again. Only a professional SEO is going to achieve a constant high steady ranking for your website. Why not view this interesting article concluded by Jill Whalen at High Rankings: View Here. The manufacturers of this type of software never tell the bad, only the good. Professional or Unprofessional?
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