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« Google search and revenue metrics | Main | Sun plays nice » December 09, 2004Google Operating System?Jim Allchin, group vice president of the Windows platform division, publicly admitted that Google had been pinching key Microsoft staff: When I read information like that, I can't help but think back to specualtive comments I made in public on the SearchEngineWatch forums, on a possible future Google Operating System within 5 years: Going on the record Microsoft is losing market share, and Longhorn is continually delayed further back. The days of MS dominating home PCs is dying away, and MS only have their appalling security record to blame. Posted by brian_turner at December 9, 2004 11:07 PM | Discuss this in the Business, Marketing & Search forumsTrackback PingsTrackBack URL for this entry: CommentsAnything other than Windows will please me...so long as google doesn't do like stupid Sun and try to charge a $50/year liscence for it!! Erick P. Posted by: Erick Paquin at December 12, 2004 08:15 PM |
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