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USAID funds school bags for all Iraqi secondary students
Baghdad, Iraq
October 2003

Students from the Hala Bint Khuwaylid secondary girl's school in the Amil district of Baghdad sign for and receive school bags which contain, pens, pencils, notebooks, a calculator and other school supplies. USAID is funding the purchase and distribution of 1.5 million of the bags through a contract with Creative Associates Internaitonal. All Iraqi secondary students will receive the bags.
Students from the Hala Bint Khuwaylid secondary girl's school in the Amil district of Baghdad receive school bags which contain, pens, pencils, notebooks, a calculator and other school supplies. USAID is funding the purchase and distribution of 1.5 million of the bags through a contract with Creative Associates Internaitonal. All Iraqi secondary students will receive the bags.
A student from the Hala Bint Khuwaylid secondary girl's school in the Amil district of Baghdad with her new school bag which contains, pens, pencils, notebooks, a calculator and other school supplies. USAID is funding the purchase and distribution of 1.5 million of the bags through a contract with Creative Associates Internaitonal. All Iraqi secondary students will receive the bags.
Students from the Hala Bint Khuwaylid secondary girl's school in the Amil district of Baghdad with their new school bags which contains, pens, pencils, notebooks, a calculator and other school supplies. USAID is funding the purchase and distribution of 1.5 million of the bags through a contract with Creative Associates Internaitonal. All Iraqi secondary students will receive the bags.
A student from the Hala Bint Khuwaylid secondary girl's school in the Amil district of Baghdad with her new school bag which contains, pens, pencils, notebooks, a calculator and other school supplies. USAID is funding the purchase and distribution of 1.5 million of the bags through a contract with Creative Associates International. All Iraqi secondary students will receive the bags.
A student from the Hala Bint Khuwaylid secondary girl's school in the Amil district of Baghdad attends a class in the refurbished scdhool. USAID funded the renovation of 1260 schools throughout Iraq in time for the start of school in October 2003.
Students from the Hala Bint Khuwaylid secondary girl's school in the Amil district of Baghdad carry boxes of new school bags which contains, pens, pencils, notebooks, a calculator and other school supplies. USAID is funding the purchase and distribution of 1.5 million of the bags through a contract with Creative Associates International. All Iraqi secondary students will receive the bags.
A student from the Hala Bint Khuwaylid secondary girl's school in the Amil district of Baghdad with her new school bag which contains, pens, pencils, notebooks, a calculator and other school supplies. USAID is funding the purchase and distribution of 1.5 million of the bags through a contract with Creative Associates International. All Iraqi secondary students will receive the bags.
A student from the Hala Bint Khuwaylid secondary girl's school in the Amil district of Baghdad with her new school bag which contains, pens, pencils, notebooks, a calculator and other school supplies. USAID is funding the purchase and distribution of 1.5 million of the bags through a contract with Creative Associates International. All Iraqi secondary students will receive the bags.
A student from the Zein Al Abdeen secondary boy's school in the Amil district of Baghdad with a calculator from his new school bag which contains, pens, pencils, notebooks, a calculator and other school supplies. USAID is funding the purchase and distribution of 1.5 million of the bags through a contract with Creative Associates International. All Iraqi secondary students will receive the bags.
Students from the Zein Al Abdeen secondary boy's school in the Amil district of Baghdad leave the refurbished school after classes. USAID funded the renovation of 1260 schools throughout Iraq in time for the start of school in October 2003.
A student from the Zein Al Abdeen secondary boy's school in the Amil district of Baghdad receives his new school bag which contains, pens, pencils, notebooks, a calculator and other school supplies. USAID is funding the purchase and distribution of 1.5 million of the bags through a contract with Creative Associates International. All Iraqi secondary students will receive the bags.
Students from the Zein Al Abdeen secondary boy's school in the Amil district of Baghdad with their new school bags which contains, pens, pencils, notebooks, a calculator and other school supplies. USAID is funding the purchase and distribution of 1.5 million of the bags through a contract with Creative Associates International. All Iraqi secondary students will receive the bags.
Students attend classes at the refurbished Zein Al Abdeen secondary boy's school in the Amil district of Baghdad. USAID funded the renovation of 1260 schools throughout Iraq in time for the start of school in October 2003.
A student from the Zein Al Abdeen secondary boy's school in the Amil district of Baghdad leaves school after classes with his new school bag which contains, pens, pencils, notebooks, a calculator and other school supplies. USAID is funding the purchase and distribution of 1.5 million of the bags through a contract with Creative Associates International. All Iraqi secondary students will receive the bags.


USAID’s goals are to increase enrollment, improve the quality of primary and secondary education, ensure classrooms have sufficient supplies, facilitate community involvement, train teachers, implement accelerated learning programs, and establish partnerships between U.S. and Iraqi colleges and universities.

Major Accomplishments to Date:


  • Awarded 627 grants worth more than $6 million to rehabilitate schools and equip Directorates General.
  • Rehabilitated 2,405 schools countrywide.


  • Distributed desks, chairs, cabinets, chalkboards, and kits for primary and secondary schools countrywide.
  • Printed and distributed 8.7 million revised math and science textbooks to grades 1-12 by mid-February 2004.

    Institutional Strengthening

  • Completed a major initiative that trained nearly 33,000 secondary school teachers and administrators, including 860 master trainers, nationwide.
  • Conducted a pilot accelerated learning program in five Iraqi cities to allow out-of-school children to complete two school years in one year. More than 550 students participated.
  • Assisted the Ministry in establishing official baseline education data for Iraq.

    Higher Education

  • Awarded five grants worth $20.7 million to create partnerships between U.S. and Iraqi universities. Through these partnerships, Iraqi universities are rebuilding infrastructure; re-equipping university facilities; participating in international conferences; attending workshops and refresher courses; and reforming curriculum.

More Information:

Ministry of Education Baseline School Statistics, October 2003

Students  School sessions
Kindergarten 53,499   Kindergarten 631
Primary 4,280,602  Primary 13,413
Secondary 1,454,775  Secondary 4,155
Vocational 62,841  Vocational 258
Teacher Training 66,139  Teacher Training 171
Total 5,917,856  Total 18,628
Teachers   Buildings
Kindergarten 2,993  Kindergarten 631
Primary 206,953  Primary 11,066
Secondary 74,681  Secondary 2,968
Vocational 4,693  Vocational 158
Teacher Training 2,984  Teacher Training 101
Total 292,304   Total 14,924

Statistics based on UNESCO and UNICEF numbers

Student Gender Distribution

 Kindergarten Primary Secondary Vocational Teacher Training
Girls 48.73% 44.47% 40.28% 19% 62%
Boys 51.27% 55.53% 59.72% 81% 38%

Statistics based on UNESCO and UNICEF numbers

School Building Conditions

Schools in need of demolition or rebuilding 1,343 9% of all schools
Schools in need of major rehabilitation 5,970 40% of all schools
Schools damaged in some way 11,939 80% of all schools

Statistics based on UNESCO and UNICEF numbers

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