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Asia and the Near East

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) carries out foreign assistance programs that support key U.S. foreign policy interests, including sustained economic and social progress for all the peoples of the Asia and Near East regions.

November Features

Women's line at Kabul polling station. Photo by: Albana Vokshi

Using Pens instead of Weapons:
The Afghanistan Elections

On October 9, 2004 Afghanistan reached another historic milestone: the successful completion of its first ever democratic election. The willingness of ordinary Afghans to brave security threats, inclement weather, and long distances to make their voices heard and to choose their leader for the first time in the country's history was impressive. [read more]

Dr. Vijitha Eyango receives the Swanee Hunt Awrd from Under Secretary Green at the State Department.

Eyango wins State Department Swanee Hunt Award

Dr. Vijitha Mahadevan Eyango, ANE's Senior Gender and Education Advisor, recently received the prestigious Swanee Hunt Award for Advancing Women's Role in Policy Formulation. Dr. Eyango received the award from Under Secretary Green during the Department of State's 8 November awards ceremony in the Benjamin Franklin Room. [read more]

Photo of Afghan women in burqas worn over Western dress in Herat, Afghanistan speaking with household. Afghan men watch from a distance.

"Out of the Shadows" Photo Exhibit

This exhibit, currently on display at the United Nations in New York City, salutes the strength and spirit of the women of Afghanistan. Divided into four sections, it mirrors the roles women play throughout Afghan society: at home, in school, at work, and in leadership. "Out of the Shadows" tells the story of their lives today - out of the shadows - as they work to build a better life for themselves, their families, and their country. View the exhibit online.

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