Contracts and Grants
USAID has awarded sixteen contracts and six grants for reconstruction work in war-torn Iraq. Seven draft procurement actions have been announced but not yet awarded.
Each of the awards may require subcontract work or the hiring of additional employees. USAID prime contractors select their own subcontractors or employees. For information concerning employment or subcontracting opportunities, you should contact the prime contractor directly. To see a forecast of upcoming solicitations, please see the Iraq Business Forecast. For more information about doing business in Iraq, please view our resource page on commercial opportunities in Iraq. For information about positions available at the USAID Mission in Iraq, please see the Employment Opportunities page.
Iraq Credit and Grant Facility (ICGF) [ RFA ]
- USAID envisions a program that results in an independent, sustainable organization providing loan capital to the domestic market in Iraq. This could be in the form of an independent or quasi-governmental organization. The grantee shall set up an organizational structure to manage and operate the Facility, and establish a governing board. Bidders should plan for an exit strategy and a complete turn-over of the institution to Iraqi control after the conclusion of the award period.
- The grantee will recruit and train the Facility’s management and staff and provide for their continued oversight and training during the two year period of the grant, eventually handing complete control of the Facility to its management and staff. The grantee shall develop provisions that ensure conflict of interest issues are strictly addressed for fund management, staff, and board members.
Domestic Oversight and Voter Education Activities for Iraqi Electoral Processes [ RFA ]
- The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is conducting a full and open competition for services of qualified U.S. applicants (Cooperative Agreement) to enhance participation and prospects for credible and competitive electoral processes in Iraq. USAID seeks proposals that offer expert and effective electoral domestic oversight capacity as well as innovative and culturally astute voter education campaigns in Iraq. It is envisioned that this assistance will aim, to the extent possible to mitigate potential conflict associated with electoral processes and defines the electoral period as pre-election, during, and post-election.
Program to Support an Iraqi National Government, Iraqi Transitional Government and Constitutional Development [ RFA ]
- The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is conducting a full and open competition for the services of a qualified U.S. grantee (Cooperative Agreement) to enable the Iraqi interim and transitional government to operate effectively and efficiently, in a representative, transparent, and accountable manner, and to build the constitutional foundation for a democratic nation. USAID seeks applications that offer expert, effective, and contextually appropriate assistance to the national level governance structures. This assistance may include the provision of technical assistance, training, equipment and commodities, and information on standard operating rules and procedures and comparative government practices.
Support for the Development of Civil Society and the Media [ PRESOLICITATION NOTICE ]
- Announced on March 10, 2004
- The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is conducting a full and open competition to acquire the services of a qualified U.S. Contractor to implement a program to build the capacity of key sectors of indigenous Iraqi civil society and to promote the development of a professional and independent media in Iraq. A vibrant and politically-active civil society is crucial to the future of a democratic and pluralistic Iraq. As Iraq transitions to a fully representative democracy, its citizens must be able to exercise their freedom to associate, express their views publicly, openly debate public policy, and petition their government. Civil society organizations (CSOs) must be willing and able to take on potentially divisive issues such as civic education, women's rights, government corruption and impunity, and a free, independent, and professional media.
Iraqi Ministry of Health (MOH) Institutional Capacity Building Program (MoHCBP) [ SOLICITATION NOTICE ]
- Announced on January 22, 2004
- The objective of this Contract is to build the institutional capacity of the Ministry of Health in support of the MOH's goal to shift from a centrally controlled curative care model of health services to a more decentralized primary health care, with emphasis on maternal and child health.
Security and Force Protection Services
- Announced on January 14, 2004
- The U. S. Agency for International Development, Iraq requires the operation and management of security services in order to prevent unauthorized access, protect life, maintain order, deter attacks against employees and property and terrorist acts against all USAID/Iraq assets, and prevent damage to Government property. The Contractor shall accomplish this by performing office, residential escort and close protective security functions primarily in Baghdad, Basrah, Al-Hillah, Umm Qasr, Erbil, and Mosul with mobile close protection for travel throughout Iraq as directed by USAID. Additionally, Contractor will be required to periodically coordinate with local authorities (Coalition Provisional Authority, local police, other country police forces and U.S. and other country military forces); plan route selection and sufficient coverage for the safe movement of personnel. The Contractor shall furnish managerial, administrative and direct labor personnel to accomplish all work required by contract.
DRAFT -- Iraq Phase II Monitoring & Evaluation Services
- Announced on December 24, 2003
- The objective of this activity is to provide data collection, performance monitoring and evaluation of USAID/Iraq's technical assistance portfolio. The Monitoring and Evaluating Program Performance Phase 2 (MEPP2) project will provide regular performance monitoring and periodic performance evaluations of a broad and complex range of activities.
IRAQ Phase II Reconstruction: Program Advisors and Oversight [ SOLICITATION NOTICE ]
- Announced on December 16, 2003
- USAID requires the services of a Disaster Assistance Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Contractor to provide technical and other specialists to assist USAID to monitor and manage reconstruction and rehabilitation activities in Iraq.
Click on the links below for information on each contract, including text of the contract, initial and current funding levels, and Inspector General reports where available.
Contract | Awardee | Date |
Iraq Private Sector Growth and Employment Generation, ECON II | The Louis Berger Group, Inc. | 10/13/04 |
Iraq MOLSA Vocational Training & Employment Services | The Louis Berger Group, Inc. | 10/13/04 |
Economic Governance II | BearingPoint, Inc | 09/20/04 |
Iraq Education II | Creative Associates International, Inc. | 07/14/04 |
Iraq Infrastructure Reconstruction - Phase II | Bechtel | 01/06/04 | Agriculture Reconstruction and Development for Iraq (ARDI) | Development Alternatives, Inc. | 10/21/03 |
Economic Recovery, Reform and Sustained Growth in Iraq | BearingPoint, Inc. | 07/25/03 |
Monitoring and Evaluation | Management Systems International | 06/25/03 |
Airport Administration | SkyLink Air and Logistics Support (USA), Inc. | 05/05/03 |
Public Health | Abt Associates, Inc. | 04/30/03 |
Capital Construction | Bechtel | 04/17/03 |
Primary and Secondary Education | Creative Associates International, Inc. | 04/11/03 |
Local Governance | Research Triangle Institute (RTI) | 04/11/03 |
Seaport Administration | Stevedoring Services of America (SSA) | 03/24/03 |
Theater Logistical Support | Air Force Contract Augmentation Program (AFCAP) | 02/17/03 |
Personnel Support | International Resources Group (IRG) | 02/07/03 |
Iraq Private Sector Development Initiative [ Award ]
- Grant announced to the Volunteers for Economic Growth Alliance (VEGA) on July 26, 2004.
- Grant provides for: establishment of new business centers and working through existing centers throughout the country to provide training and technical assistance to businesses of all sizes. Recipient will leverage access to over 20,000 volunteer advisors and experts covering all industrial and business sectors to provide Iraqi businesses with exposure to successful business methods.
- The grant award provides funding up to $12.3 million over the next 15 months.
Higher Education and Development (HEAD) [ Awards - Additional Awards ]
- This grant was awarded to three consortia on October 3, 2003 and two additional consortia on December 2, 2003. The Archeology and Environmental Research grant was awarded to a consortium led by the Research Foundation of the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stony Brook, and includes Columbia University, Boston University, and Oxford University. The Agriculture grant was awarded to University of Hawaii's College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, and the Legal Education Reform in Iraq grant was awarded to Human Rights Institute of DePaul University College of Law (IHRLI) and the International Institute of Higher Studies in Criminal Sciences (ISISC) . The first additional grant was awarded to the Mississippi Consortium for International Development (MCID), which will partner with the University of Mosul. This consortium is led by Jackson State University and includes Alcorn State University, Mississippi Valley State University and Tougaloo College. The second additional grant was awarded to the Oklahoma Higher Education Partnership (OHEP), which is led by University of Oklahoma's College of Continuing Education and includes Cameron University, Langston University and Oklahoma State University, and will provide technical expertise to Iraq's universities and technical colleges.
- This RFA calls for the establishment of partnerships between U.S. and Iraqi colleges and universities to invigorate and modernize Iraq’s institutions of higher education. This program will facilitate the dispersal of development resources and technical expertise to Iraq’s universities and technical colleges, and engage Iraqi higher education administrators, faculty and students in the revitalization of Iraq’s higher education system. Funds will be issued for a twelve-month period, with the possibility of two one-year extensions, to up to six U.S colleges, universities, or higher education consortia, each responsible for partnerships with specific Iraqi institutions.
Community Action Program [ RFA | Awards ]
Back to School Campaign
- Grant announced to the United Nation's Children's Fund (UNICEF) on April 8, 2003.
- Grant provides for: promotion of a "Back-to-School" campaign aimed at the approximately 25 percent of children currently not in primary school; rapid assessments to determine the availability of school materials; establishment of temporary schools where none are functioning; training of teachers; the establishment of accelerated learning programs; and the development of an education management system for Iraq.
- Grant -$1 million for one year initially, up to $7 million.
Health, Water, and Sanitation Services
- Grant announced to the United Nation's Children's Fund (UNICEF) on March 28, 2003.
- Grant provides for: restoration/provision of basic health services to the most vulnerable populations, focusing on women and children; support for primary health care services; fund essential medicines, vaccines and micronutrients; establishment a rapid referral and response system for the most serious cases; and publishing and distribution relevant health education materials and nutritional assessments.
- Grant - $8 million for one year initially, up to $40 million.
Health System Strengthening
- Grant announced to the World Health Organization (WHO) on March 28, 2003.
- Grant provides for: identification of crucial immediate and short-term health care needs of the population; rapid restoration of essential health services for the population; and strengthening of the capacity of a reformed Iraqi Ministry of Health to manage the health sector including review and further development of health policies and health system management.
- Grant - $10 million for one year.
To view Requests for Proposals, Quotations and/or Solicitations issued by the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) in Iraq, click here.
Information concerning any future USAID contract or grant solicitations will be posted here in a timely manner. You may also wish to subscribe to our Iraq e-mail list to receive rapid e-mail notifications of significant USAID/Iraq news.
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