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Budget & Strategic Planning
USAID, in collaboration with the State Department, produces
several key materials for laying out development policy and
tracking its progress. Although USAID and the State Department
are separate organizations, both report to the Secretary of
State. Therefore a joint effort ensures that the two organizations
focus on achieving common goals, finding economies of scale,
and promoting new synergies. Once policy direction is set
out, funding resources are aligned to meet these objectives
-- annual planning at the Mission and Bureau levels follow
from this plan as does budget submissions to Congress. The
execution of the strategic plan is reported in Department
and Agency Performance Plan and Reports.
Congressional Budget Justification
Each fiscal year the Agency submits its budget justification to the Congress for appropriation. The Congressional Budget Justification (CBJ) reflects the Administration's program and budget request for bilateral foreign economic assistance appropriations. The Agency's Annual Performance Overview is an important companion document by providing the broader policy context for specific Agency goals, indicators and funding levels.
USAID - State Department Strategic Plan
Every three years USAID publishes a strategic plan (PDF - 2.2 MB)
that identifies strategic development goals and outlines their linkages with U.S. national security interests, with the last being in 2000. This year, to ensure that diplomatic efforts and development programs are fully aligned to advance the President's National Security Strategy, USAID and the State Department have produced a joint strategic plan for FY 2004 to 2009. For the first time, their combined strengths will be centered on four strategic objectives: 1) achieving peace and security; 2) advancing sustainable development and global interests; 3) promoting international understanding, and 4) strengthening diplomatic and program capabilities.
Fiscal Year Performance and Accountability Report
This document describes the Agency's performance goals and indicators and synthesizes the progress seen in the specific programs in countries and regions benefiting from USAID assistance. The Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA or the Results Act) requires that USAID produce an annual performance plan. The Accountability Report is one of three reports the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) prepares annually to describe its financial position and the results of its operations. The focus of the report is on the Agency’s consolidated financial statements and the adequacy of its controls over the obligation and expenditure of budgetary resources.
Also available:
The Greenbook
U.S. Overseas Loans and Grants, Obligations and Loan Authorizations -- The Greenbook shows a complete historical record of United States (U.S.) foreign aid to the rest of the world. The Greenbook reports all loans and grants authorized by the U.S. Government for each fiscal year from 1945 to 2002, and reports the assistance by purpose and by country. From this site users can create their own tables and reports by selecting recipient countries, years and type of USG assistance.
Sourcebook on Results-Oriented Grants and Cooperative Agreements -- The Sourcebook helps USAID staff and partners improve their ability to manage for results through performance bpartnerships in coordination with the agency Strategic Plan and Strategic Objectives.
The Yellow Book -- This is USAID's comprehensive directory of contracts, grants and cooperative agreements with universities, firms and non-profit institutions. Awards are listed first by region, then country, and include the award number, contractor/recipient, period of performance and total amount of the award.
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