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USAID Mission Web Sites
The following is a list of USAID missions that have an internet presence available to the public. This should not be considered an inclusive list of all USAID missions. For a more inclusive list of missions with contact information, please go to the USAID Mission Directory.
- USAID/Albania
- Albania’s rapid transition from one of the most isolated, repressive and totalitarian regimes of post-WWII Europe to an economy based on the rule of law is as bumpy as its potholed roads. It is one of the poorest countries in Europe and suffers from debilitating political infighting, endemic corruption and trafficking in humans. However, the country is slowly making progress in its anti-corruption efforts and democratic and economic reform. USAID has invested over $386 million since 1992 in programs that assist the Albanian people on their new road to democracy and a free-market economy. We welcome your visit to our web site to read about our accomplishments and challenges.
- USAID/Armenia
- USAID/Armenia is committed to working in partnership with Armenians
for a prosperous and stable country that offers equal opportunity to
all its citizens. This can be achieved only through a strong democracy
and market economy, governed by the rule of law, which promotes the
general welfare of the people. Please visit our web site for more information
about the USAID/Armenia program.
- USAID/Bangladesh
- Since Bangladesh gained independence in 1971, USAID has provided more
than $4.3 billion in bilateral assistance to the country. Food aid accounts
for nearly half of that amount. With USAID assistance, Bangladesh is
realizing significant improvements in living conditions for its people.
Now, Bangladeshis have better access to health care, and enjoy increased
agricultural outputs, improved nutrition, and access to electricity.
Our programs work with communities to assist with disaster preparedness
and improve their ability to manage food relief when a disaster does
- USAID/Benin
- The USAID Mission to Benin was re-established in December 1991 with
an overriding objective to help consolidate both economic restructuring
and the democratization process in Benin. The mission's program focuses
primarily on developing Benin’s human resource base through improving
the quality of and access to basic education and strengthening family
health services in both the private and public sectors. In addition,
USAID/Benin has a cross-cutting objective which aims to improve democratic
governance through democratic institution building, promoting the enabling
environment for private initiatives, and strengthening civil society’s
role in decision-making.
- USAID/Bosnia and Herzogovina
- The United States Government has pledged $767 million to date for
the reconstruction of Bosnia-Herzegovina. In supportof the Dayton Peace
Accords, USAID assistance is helping to create a stable, democratic
post-war Bosnia-Herzegovina with a functioning free market economy.
Other U.S. support is being provided in the areas of demining, police
training, national and municipal elections and the War Crimes Tribunal.
In addition, the U.S. Government has delivered over $1 billion in humanitarian
assistance to the former Yugoslavia since 1991. USAID/BiH activities
are focused on four objectives:
- Restoring private sector productive capacity to restart production
quickly and create immediate self-sustaining employment.
- Establishing a policy and institutional framework conducive to
the emergence of a market economy, by supporting rapid privatization,
critical macroeconomic reforms, sound fiscal policies, and a viable
banking system.
- Repairing war-damaged infrastructure to facilitate refugee return
and reactivate the local economy.
- Strengthening democratic institutions that promote a multi-ethnic
society and political pluralism by fostering an independent media,
free and fair elections, a responsive and transparent government,
citizen advocacy, and a professional independent judiciary.
Central Asian Republics
- Since 1992, The USAID Regional Mission for Central Asia (USAID/CAR)
has provided more than $650 million in assistance to the five newly
independent states of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan
and Uzbekistan. In support of U.S. foreign policy, USAID's goal in Central
Asia is to expand opportunities for the citizens of these new nations
to fully participate in improving their governance, their livelihoods,
and their quality of life. In these countries, USAID strives to achieve
four shared objectives: increase enterprise and trade, build a more
open, democratic culture, better manage water and energy resources,
and improve quality primary healthcare. In Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan,
USAID also helps improve fiscal policy and management, and more responsive,
accountable local government. Several crosscutting objectives also guide
USAID assistance: reducing corrupt practices, addressing gender bias,
mitigating potential for conflict, and expanding information and knowledge,
especially among youth.
- USAID/Congo
- Through its professional staff in the Congo and Washington D.C., USAID-Congo
provides financial and technical assistance to organizations and institutions
working to solve the Congo's critical development problems. USAID-Congo
works in close collaboration with the US Embassy and the United States
Information Service in the Congo.
- USAID/Dominican Republic
- On January 11, 1962, USAID opened its Mission in the Dominican Republic,
making it one of the first countries in which USAID was active. Early
aid focused on projects in savings and loan associations, irrigation
and private investment activity. Today, USAID's Dominican Republic mission
focuses on three areas: economic growth; health, population and nutrition;
and democracy and governance.
- USAID/East Timor
- On May 20, 2002 the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste became an independent nation, completing a rapid transition from UN administration to self-rule. The challenges of building a strong democracy and vibrant economy with fragile institutions and limited human capital remain daunting.
- USAID/Ecuador
On November 20, 2002, the Mission accomplished 60 years of technical and economical cooperation in Ecuador. Many years of collaborative cooperation for the development of Ecuador, where USAID and its former agencies have had the rewarding opportunity to provide an important economical support for the strategies and projects that Ecuador, through public and private entities, has been implementing to reach its social and economic development target.
- USAID/Egypt
- Following the Camp David Accords in 1978, and in recognition of Egypt's
moderating role in the Middle East, the United States Congress made
Egypt one of the largest U.S. economic assistance programs in the world.
- USAID/El Salvador
- The United States Agency for International Development Mission to
El Salvador's Our mission is to work in partnership with El Salvador
to reduce poverty and strengthen democratic institutions and practices...and
to fulfill our pledge to keep you informed, we invite you to visit our
- USAID/Eritrea
- USAID, in partnership with the Government of the State of Eritrea, the private sector, and non-governmental organizations, is proud to contribute to improving the lives of the Eritrean people through our strategic areas of intervention. USAID/Eritrea's Integrated Strategy Plan, which covers the period from 2003 to 2007, focuses on making progress in three areas: health care as well as HIV/AIDS services; creating jobs through small and medium business development in rural areas; and increasing public participation in the country's development.
- USAID/Ghana
- Ghana is one of United States Government's most important partners in sub-Saharan Africa. It is the U.S. Government's third largest trading partner in West Africa and exercises a pivotal role in promoting political and economic stability. Ghana continues to enjoy a stable political environment despite increasing instability in the region.
- USAID/Guinea
- The overall USAID program goal in Guinea is "Improved Economic and
Social Well-being of all Guineans in a Participatory Society." USAID/Guinea
pursues this goal by investing in education and human resources within
its basic education, natural resource management, democracy and governance,
and health and family planning programs. Our grass roots poverty alleviation
program not only allows Guinean citizens to improve their wellbeing,
but it also prepares its citizens to be active participants in the country's
transition to a democracy.
- USAID/Haiti
- This site outlines U.S. programs in Haiti to reduce poverty in an
emerging democratic society - the goal of USAID/Haiti and a key component
of U.S. interests in this close Caribbean neighbor. The challenges in
the path of that goal are immense and daunting. In short, there are
too many people and too few resources for the land to support adequately.
As the s ituation in this fragile nation dances always near catastrophe,
we can be encouraged that the people of Haiti are working harder than
ever to improve their lives. USAID, together with its partners and other
donors, plays a vital role in that effort.
- USAID/Honduras
- Honduras, one of Latin America's poorest nations, strives daily to
improve its own economic and democratic development with USAID assistance.
Programs include education, health, economic policy, microenterprize,
environmental conservation, food security, municipal development, and
justice sector reform.
- USAID/India
- We have set up this website to communicate to audiences in India,
and around the world, what the United States Government's assistance
program is achieving in India and why this work is important to India,
to the United States, and to you, wherever you are.
- USAID/Jamaica
- USAID/Jamaica-Caribbean dedicates itself to assisting the people of
the Caribbean in attaining their full potential - as individuals and
collectively as nations - by improving the quality of their lives and
helping them achieve sustainable development.
- USAID/Jordan
- The USAID program in Jordan supports Jordan’s economic and social reform efforts to become a model for growth and prosperity in the region. Building on a 50-year partnership, USAID focuses its efforts on addressing the country’s needs, namely in: water, economic opportunities, health, education, and democracy & governance.
- USAID/Kenya
- USAID has a long tradition of working closely with government of Kenya, private sector and nongovernmental organizations. To network and strengthen Kenyan organizations, USAID is providing increased assistance to government of Kenya (GOK), private voluntary organizations and NGOs that are key partners in implementing USAID’s program.
- USAID/Kiev (Ukraine)
- Since 1992, the USAID Regional Mission to Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova
has worked with government, non-governmental organizations, and implementing
partners, to further the processes of democratic development, economic
restructuring and social sector reform in the region.
- USAID/Kosovo
- USAID began operating in Kosovo in 1999. USAID’s assistance program
in Kosovo helps to foster economic reform, democracy, and social transition
- USAID/Lebanon
- USAID's Mission in Lebanon strives to help nurture the right environment for the Lebanese people to promote sound economic opportunities, political governance, environmental health and peace and stability in order to improve Lebanon's overall regional and global well being, primarily by targeting key growth-oriented industry sectors and geographical areas.
- USAID/Lithuania
- Lithuania's historic revolution in 1991 captured worldwide attention,
and inspired freedom-loving people everywhere. The U.S. Government,
together with other western countries, quickly mobilized resources to
assist Lithuania's transition to the free world. Today, the people of
Lithuania and the United States are in a partnership to build Lithuania's
free-market economy and to develop a democratic society prepared to
meet the challenges of the 21st century and the emerging global economy.
- USAID/Mali
The USAID program in Mali was first established in 1961, then rapidly evolved into "Mission" status in the 1970's as the U.S. response to the devastating drought of the time. A tribute to the utility of the developmental partnerships we have undertaken since that time is the fact that Mali has evolved from massive food aid dependence in the 1970's, to being a cereals exporter the 1990's -- and from centrally-planned military rule to one of the most enlightened democracies in the West Africa region. As a tribute to Mali's impressive changes in democracy and economic reform in recent years, the USAID Mission is one of only five "sustainable presence" missions left in West Africa.
- USAID/Malawi
- The United States' national interests in Malawi are the promotion of development through market-based economic growth
and support for democratic governance. In 1994, Malawi underwent a peaceful political transition from decades of one-party
autocracy to a multi-party democracy. Accompanying this political transformation were fundamental economic liberalization
and political reforms. With focuses on promoting economic growth, democracy and governance, health, family planning, health
and nutrition, and basic education, USAID Malawi aims to increase economic productivity by addressing critical needs in health and
- USAID/Namibia
- To help Namibia redress the economic legacies of colonialism and apartheid,
strengthen its democracy and curb the spread of HIV/AIDS, USAID/Namibia
has five Strategic Objectives: small and medium enterprise development,
basic education, community-based natural resource management, legislative
and civil society strengthening, and HIV/AIDS education and prevention.
USAID seeks to build synergies among its five portfolios. Tourism development,
for instance, bridges small and medium enterprise development to community-based
natural resource management. HIV/AIDS prevention activities are being
built into all aspects of USAID’s program. Throughout its portfolio,
USAID seeks to strengthen NGOs, advance the status of women, expand
access to and use of information technologies, and promote the government’s
policy of decentralization.
- USAID/Nepal
- In 1951, the same year the Kingdom of Nepal emerged from its self-imposed
political and economic isolation, the U.S. Government signed an agreement
with the His Majesty's Government of Nepal to provide economic assistance.
During 46 years, the U.S. Government has provided over one billion dollars
in developmental and humanitarian assistance. U.S. bilateral development
assistance is administered by USAID. USAID's goal is to assist development
to the point where Nepal can meet the needs of its people on a sustainable
basis with its own resources.
- USAID/Nicaragua
- The United States has been active in promoting broad economic growth,
creating new jobs, adherence to democratic principles, and respect for
human rights slows immigration to the United States. Focused efforts
to stem environmental degradation protects vital habitats and helps
to assure sustainable development. The current U.S. program helped Nicaragua
mitigate agricultural production losses from the El Niño-produced drought.
- USAID/Nigeria
- In May 1999, Nigeria ushered in a new era of democracy by inaugurating
its first democratically elected government in fifteen years, ending
a cycle of military dictatorships that devastated the country's economic
and social capital. Nigerians have cause to be optimistic with the country's
political transition. Engagement and partnership with the international
community are replacing sanctions and isolation. At the same time, Nigeria
has begun to slowly rebuild an economy derailed by years of corruption
and mismanagement, and reclaim its position of leadership in Africa.
- USAID/Pakistan
- USAID returned to Pakistan in July 2002 after seven years, as part of the United States Government’s commitment to help Pakistan in the fight on global terrorism. The program is focused on four areas: education, governance, health and economic opportunity.
- USAID/Peru
USAID/Peru's activities are focused on strengthening democracy, promoting economic growth and alleviating poverty, improved health, the sustainable use of natural resources, providing alternatives to coca cultivation, improving the local management of basic education and promoting development in the Peru-Ecuador border region.
- USAID/Philippines
- USAID's role in the Philippines is to help the country become a model
Newly Industrialized Country (NIC). Our U.S. - Philippines partnership
for democracy and development is a shared commitment to mutual economic
interest, democracy, and a common concern for global issues of environmental
degradation, population, and the AIDS epidemic.
- The Regional Economic Development Services Office for East and Southern Africa (REDSO/ESA) works with African organizations to develop cross-border policies, procedures and systems for improved food security, conflict prevention and governance, health systems and HIV/AIDS prevention, care and mitigation. Also, REDSO/ESA provides services needed to manage, oversee and provide accountability for 23 USAID programs in the region.
- USAID/Romania
- USAID’s assistance program helps to foster Romania's transition to
a market-oriented democracy through major activities in the areas of
economic growth, democracy-building and social sector restructuring.
Between 1990 and 1999, USAID has provided approximately $300 million
for technical assistance and training in Romania in the following areas:
privatization, financial sector development, private sector development,
energy sector reform, improved environmental management and protection,
democratic governance, civil society development, decentralized public
administration and local government strengthening, women’s reproductive
health and reform of the child welfare system.
- USAID/Russia
- USAID has operated in Russia since 1992. We have worked in close
collaboration with Russian partners from federal, regional, and municipal
governments, non-governmental and non-commercial organizations, and
the private sector. We are proud of the partnerships we have forged
– and proud of the important results achieved under our joint programs
throughout this vast country.
- USAID/Rwanda
- USAID/Rwanda has been actively engaged with our partners and customers in three strategic areas of interest; democracy and governance (including justice and the rule of law), health, economic growth and food security. Our program portfolio emphasizes the shift from emergency humanitarian response to sustainable development.
- USAID/Senegal
- As an active partner of the Government and people of Senegal, USAID listens to local concerns and priorities, and then responds with joint activities to help reduce poverty, promote democracy and economic growth, recover from disasters, and prevent conflicts. In Senegal, USAID has invested over $1 billion in a wide range of projects since 1961 -- an average of nearly $30 million each year -- to tackle constraints to national development.
- USAID/Serbia and Montenegro
- USAID has been operating in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia since
1997. Since the establishment of the United Nations Mandate in Kosovo,
the USAID program in Kosovo has been managed by a separate USAID mission
in Pristina. USAID/Serbia was reopened in early 2001. USAID's program
budget in Serbia and Montenegro covers four program accounts: (1) Development
Assistance, (2) the Child Survival and Diseases Program Fund, (3) International
Disaster Assistance, and (4) Transition Initiatives.
- USAID/Sierra Leone
- U.S. national interests in Sierra Leone are threefold. First, the
planned program of transition assistance will help restore stability
to the country, bringing to an end over a decade of sub-regional instability
and human suffering. Second, the enormous investment made by the international
community, including the largest current United Nations (U.N.) Peacekeeping
Force, defines Sierra Leone as a critical test of the will and capacity
of the international community to address threats to peace and stability
in Africa. Third, the United States' strongest ally, the United Kingdom,
is heavily committed to Sierra Leone's successful transition from war
to peace and prosperity. The U.K. is presently programming approximately
$60 million in assistance to Sierra Leone per year. USAID's program
focuses on the most war-affected districts of Sierra Leone, providing
concrete and symbolic support for British efforts. The USAID program
of assistance complements planned activities in adjacent war-affected
areas of Guinea to strengthen the regional impact of its activities.
- USAID/South Africa
- USAID South Africa supports the South African government and a number
of civil society organizations to promote effective development solutions
to transform the country equitably for its citizens. USAID's goal is
to assist its partners to build the capacity of the majority of its
people to realise political, social and economic empowerment. USAID's
activities are designed to benefit historically disadvantaged people
whose victory over decades of racial oppression has been noted as one
of the great changes in the 20th Century.
- USAID/Tanzania
- After decades of single-party rule, Tanzania held its first democratic elections in 1995, bringing new momentum to the country's development activities. Since that time, Tanzania has made great strides in building a solid foundation upon which its people can create a better life. Firmly committed to democratic governance, Tanzania promotes private sector-led development, encourages environmentally sound conservation and continues to fight the HIV/AIDS scourge, among other development efforts.
- USAID/Uganda
- USAID has been working in Uganda since 1962 and in June 2000 the Mission
initiated a broad process of consultation, assessment and analysis leading
to a new strategy to attack poverty. The program will focus on expanding
sustainable economic opportunities for rural growth, improving human
capacity through quality education and health care, and strengthening
effective and participatory governance.
- USAID/West Africa Regional Program (WARP)
- USAID/WARP is an independent USAID Operating Unit responsible for managing a development program that covers 18 countries, of which only six have USAID bilateral missions. The program serves the nations of Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Chad, Cote D’Ivoire, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Togo
- USAID/West Bank-Gaza
- The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) administers
U.S. Government economic and humanitarian assistance programs supporting
the Middle East Peace Process.
- USAID/Zambia
- USAID/Zambia's program aims to improve the lives of poor Zambians.
This supports the United States government's foreign policy interest
of furthering stable, vibrant, growing economies in Africa. In Zambia,
USAID is assisting in theconsolidation of Zambian Government reforms,
focusing on four key sectors: increasing rural incomes, basic education,
health, and democratic governance. The current strategy is aimed at
fulfilling the promise of reform measures put in place during the first
part of this decade.
- USAID/Zimbabwe
- Zimbabwe and the United States of America have an important relationship that goes back to the founding of
this nation in 1980. At Independence, the United States made strong commitments to the new Republic to play a
major role in its post-liberation struggle reconstruction and in helping it establish itself as a vitally important
partner on the African continent.
These commitments have been translated into over US$892 million in assistance since 1980. USAID is proud of the support
it has provided in a variety of important development programs such as education, public health, agriculture, natural resources
management,drought/disaster, micro, small and medium enterprises and private sector as well as support to a host of important Zimbabwean
government and NGO institutions.
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