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Secretary's Open Forum
Bill Keppler, Chairman of the Open Forum
Election of Chairman - CY 2004
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Secretary's Open Forum

For 35 years, the Open Forum has enriched American foreign policy by encouraging free expression and democratic debate. Today, more than ever, we need the Open Forum's contributions of information, ideas, and insight as we grapple with issues having far-reaching implications for our world. 
Colin L. Powell, May 15, 2002
Meet the Secretary

What is the Open Forum?
 "The Open Forum (S/OF), headed by an elected Chairperson who serves directly under the Secretary of State, brings new or alternative policy recommendations to the Secretary and other principals from U.S. Government employees, at all levels, of the Department of State and USAID. The Open Forum provides opportunities for any employee to express professional views (including dissenting views) candidly, free of bureaucratic constraints, and under safeguards against pressures or penalties." [1 FAM 022.6]

The Secretary's Open Forum was established by Secretary of State Dean Rusk in 1967 during U.S. involvement in the Vietnam conflict. The Open Forum strengthens the American foreign policy process by encouraging creative thinking on vital policy issues, including presentations of differing visions and viewpoints.  The Chairman actively solicits speakers and participants from both State Department employees and sources outside the State Department and is elected by the employees of the  Department of State and the U.S. Agency for International Development. Mr. William E. Keppler is the Open Forum Chairman for the 2004 term.

Message from the Chairman
“It is an honor and a privilege to serve you as the Chairman of the Secretary's Open Forum. Please be assured of my commitment to all of the Open Forum's constituents to preserve the integrity and independence of the program. The Open Forum will continue to offer the highest quality programs and speakers in addressing the most compelling and challenging foreign policy issues. To this end, I truly welcome and encourage your input, feedback and suggestions, including the use of the dissent channel when appropriate.” -- William E. Keppler
Meet the Chairman

Logo of the Secretarys Open Forum

Event Registration Form 


Read the "Proceedings" from recent Open Forum events.

Speaker Programs in Development

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