Our Role
The Office of Private Voluntary Cooperation (PVC)-American Schools and Hospitals Abroad (ASHA) serves as a center of learning to enhance the capacity of non-governmental organizations* (NGOs) in the delivery of development services.
Grants are provided to private voluntary organizations** (PVOs) working to strengthen NGOs in developing countries, with an emphasis on fragile and conflict states.
For 30 years, PVC has helped to strengthen PVOs and improve their services. Drawing on this history, PVC-ASHA provides USAID, PVOs, NGOs, and the broader development community with valuable lessons, tools, and methodologies to build and support healthy and lasting NGOs worldwide.
PVC-ASHA also helps to strengthen American schools, libraries, and medical centers abroad, fostering a favorable image of the United States. Since ASHA’s inception, the program has assisted some 200 institutions in more than 60 countries around the world. Its current portfolio includes more than 100 grants.
For more information:
Grant Opportunities
PVC offers ongoing grant opportunities to strengthen NGOs, develop business cooperatives, and support the shipment of humanitarian supplies to countries in need. ASHA grants fund infrastructure, supplies, and equipment to support American schools, universities, and hospitals abroad.
Special Initiatives
PVC-ASHA’s research and outreach programs foster discussion within USAID and the PVO/NGO community on cross-sectoral and cross-regional issues related to organizational development. The Office also broadcasts the PVO community’s achievements to key audiences.
PVC-ASHA regularly consults with PVOs and the development community through conferences and workshops, including public meetings of the U.S. Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid. In addition, PVC-ASHA registers all U.S. and international PVOs interested in becoming eligible for USAID support.
For more information on programs, grant opportunities, meetings, and publications please contact PVC-ASHA at tel: (202) 712-0840 or by fax: (202) 216-3039.
*NGO: A local, nongovernmental organization based in a developing nation.
**PVO: A U.S.-based, private, voluntary organization engaged in international humanitarian and development assistance.
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