The U.S. Agency for International Development's (USAID) FY 2004 budget justification to the Congress reflects the Administration's program and budget request for bilateral foreign economic assistance appropriations.
The Introduction and Overview summarize the budget request and discusses the programs and activities implemented through USAID's centrally funded programs and through the four geographic regions.
The Summary Tables volume includes tables that illustrate the foreign assistance budget request for FY 2004 and provide a detailed tabular breakout of the economic assistance budget for FY 2001 (actual), FY 2002 (actual), FY 2003 (request), and FY 2004 (request).
Central Programs; including the four pillar bureaus, support bureaus, and collaborative programs; are then listed individually. Each Region segment provides an overview of its respective areas, along with detailed information for each country in which USAID has programs.
A glossary and list of abbreviations and acronyms are available.
For the introduction to the printed verison of the Congressional Budget Justification FY 2004, please click here. (Note: This file is in pdf format.)
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