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Biographies Listed by Title or Country
 - Secretary and Deputy Secretary of State
 - Under Secretaries
 - Assistant Secretaries and Equivalent Rank
 - Other Senior Officials
 - Chiefs of Mission Listed by Country or Organization

Biographies Listed by Title or Country

Secretary and Deputy Secretary of State
--  Secretary of State: Colin L. Powell
--  Deputy Secretary: Richard L. Armitage

Under Secretaries
--  Global Affairs: Paula Dobriansky
--  Arms Control and International Security: John R. Bolton
--  Economic, Business, and Agricultural Affairs: Alan P. Larson
--  Management: Grant S. Green, Jr.
--  Political Affairs: Marc Grossman
--  Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs: Vacant

Assistant Secretaries and Equivalent Rank
--  Administration, William A. Eaton, Assistant Secretary
--  African Affairs: Constance Berry Newman, Assistant Secretary
--  Arms Control: Stephen G. Rademaker
--  Civil Rights: Barbara Pope, Assistant Secretary
--  Consular Affairs: Maura Harty, Assistant Secretary
--  Counselor of the Department: Vacant
--  Counter-Terrorism: J. Cofer Black, Ambassador-at-Large
--  Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor: Vacant; Michael G. Kozak is Acting
--  Diplomatic Security: Francis X. Taylor, Assistant Secretary
--  Director General: W. Robert Pearson
--  Director Policy Planning: Mitchell B. Reiss
--  East Asian and Pacific Affairs: James A. Kelly, Assistant Secretary
--  Economic and Business Affairs: Earl Anthony Wayne, Assistant Secretary
--  Educational and Cultural Affairs: Patricia de Stacy Harrison, Assistant Secretary
--  European and Eurasian Affairs: Elizabeth A. Jones, Assistant Secretary
--  Foreign Service Institute: Katherine H. Peterson
--  Information Resource Management: Bruce Morrison, Chief Information Officer
--  Inspector General: Vacant
--  Intelligence and Research: Thomas Fingar
--  International Information Programs: Alexander C. Feldman, Coordinator
--  International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs: Robert B. Charles, Assistant Secretary
--  International Organization Affairs: Kim Holmes, Assistant Secretary
--  Legal Adviser: William H. Taft, IV
--  Legislative Affairs: Paul V. Kelly, Assistant Secretary
--  Medical Services: Laurence G. Brown, MD
--  Near Eastern Affairs: William Joseph Burns, Assistant Secretary
--  Nonproliferation: Susan F. Burk, Acting
--  Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs: John F. Turner
--  Overseas Building Operations: Charles E. Williams
--  Political-Military Affairs: Lincoln P. Bloomfield, Assistant Secretary
--  Population, Refugees, and Migration: Arthur E. "Gene" Dewey, Assistant Secretary
--  Protocol: Donald B. Ensenat, Chief of Protocol
--  Public Affairs: Richard A. Boucher, Department Spokesman and Assistant Secretary
--  Reconstruction and Stabilization: Carlos Pascual, Coordinator
--  Resource Management: Christopher B. Burnham, Assistant Secretary; Chief Financial Officer
--  South Asian Affairs: Christine B. Rocca
--  Verification and Compliance: Paula A. DeSutter, Assistant Secretary
--  Western Hemisphere Affairs: Roger F. Noriega

Other Senior Officials
--  Director of the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons: John R. Miller
--  Science and Technology Adviser to the Secretary, Dr. George H. Atkinson
--  Special Envoy for Holocaust Issues: Edward B. O'Donnell, Rank of Ambassador
--  War Crimes Issues: Pierre-Richard Prosper, Ambassador-at-Large

Chiefs of Mission Listed by Country or Organization
--  Afghanistan Coordinator: William B. Taylor, Jr.
--  Afghanistan: Zalmay Khalilzad
--  Algeria: Richard W. Erdman
--  Angola: Cynthia G. Efird
--  Antiqua and Barbuda: Mary E. Kramer
--  Argentina: Lino Gutierrez
--  Armenia: John Marshall Evans
--  Aruba: Deborah A. Bolton
--  Australia: John Thomas Schieffer
--  Austria: Lyons Brown, Jr.
--  Azerbaijan: Reno L. Harnish
--  Bahamas (The): John D. Rood
--  Bahrain: William T. Monroe
--  Bangladesh: Harry K. Thomas Jr.
--  Barbados, Mary E. Kramer
--  Belarus: George Krol
--  Belgium: Tom C. Korologos
--  Belize: Russell Fuller Freeman
--  Benin: Wayne Neill
--  Bermuda: Vacant
--  Bosnia and Herzegovina: Douglas L. McElhaney
--  Botswana: Joseph Huggins
--  Brazil: John J. Danilovich
--  Brunei Darussalam: Gene B. Christy
--  Bulgaria: James W. Pardew
--  Burkina Faso: Anthony J. Holmes
--  Burma: Carmen M. Martinez
--  Burundi: James Yellin
--  Cambodia: Charles A. Ray
--  Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea: R. Niels Marquardt
--  Canada: Paul Cellucci
--  Cape Verde: Donald Johnson
--  Chad: Marc Wall
--  Chile: Craig A. Kelly
--  China (People's Republic of): Clark T. Randt, Jr.
--  Colombia: William Braucher Wood
--  Comoros: John Price
--  Congo, Republic of: Robin Renee Sanders
--  Costa Rica:  Vacant
--  Croatia: Ralph Frank
--  Cuba: James C. Cason
--  Cyprus: Michael Klosson
--  Czech Republic: William J. Cabaniss, Jr.
--  Côte d’Ivoire, Republic of: Aubrey Hooks
--  Dar es Salaam
--  Democratic Republic of Congo: Roger A. Meece
--  Denmark: Stuart A. Bernstein
--  Djibouti: Marguerita D. Ragsdale
--  Dominica: Mary E. Kramer
--  Dominican Republic: Hans H. Hertell
--  East Timor: Grover Joseph Rees III
--  Ecuador: Kristie Anne Kenney
--  Egypt: C. David Welch
--  El Salvador: H. Douglas Barclay
--  Eritrea: Scott DeLisi
--  Estonia: Aldona Zofia Wos
--  Ethiopia: Aurelia Brazeal
--  European Union: Rockwell Schnabel
--  Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, Tonga, Tuvalu: David Laurence Lyon
--  Finland: Earle I. Mack
--  France: Howard H. Leach
--  Gambia, Republic of the: Joseph D. Stafford III
--  Georgia: Richard Monroe Miles
--  Germany: Daniel R. Coats
--  Ghana: Mary Carlin Yates
--  Greece: Thomas J. Miller
--  Grenada: Mary E. Kramer
--  Guatemala, John R. Hamilton
--  Guinea: Jackson McDonald
--  Guyana: Roland W. Bullen
--  Haiti: James B. Foley
--  Holy See: Jim Nicholson
--  Honduras: Larry L. Palmer
--  Hong Kong: James Keith
--  Hungary: George Herbert Walker III
--  Iceland: James Irvin Gadsden
--  India: David C. Mulford
--  Indonesia: B. Lynn Pascoe
--  Iraq: John D. Negroponte
--  Ireland: James Kenny
--  Israel: Daniel C. Kurtzer
--  Italy: Melvin Sembler
--  Jamaica: Sue McCourt Cobb
--  Japan: Howard H. Baker
--  Kazakhstan: John M. Ordway
--  Kenya: William M. Bellamy
--  Korea, South: Christopher R. Hill
--  Kuwait: Richard LeBaron
--  Lao People's Democratic Republic: Patricia M. Haslach
--  Latvia: Vacant
--  Lebanon: Jeffrey Feltman
--  Lesotho, Kingdom of: June Carter Perry
--  Liberia: John W. Blaney
--  Lithuania: Stephen D. Mull
--  Luxembourg: Peter Terpeluk, Jr.
--  Macedonia, The Republic of: Lawrence Edward Butler
--  Madagascar: James D. McGee
--  Maldives: E. Ashley Wills 
--  Mali: Vicki Huddleston
--  Malta: Vacant
--  Mauritania: Joseph LeBaron
--  Mauritius, Seychelles, and Comoros: John Price
--  Mexico: Antonio O. Garza, Jr.
--  Micronesia: Suzanne K. Hale
--  Moldova: Heather Hodges
--  Mongolia: Pamela J. Slutz
--  Morocco: Thomas Riley
--  Mozambique - Helen LaLime
--  NATO: Nicholas R. Burns
--  Namibia: Joyce A. Barr
--  Nepal: James F. Moriarty
--  Netherlands Antilles and Aruba: Deborah A. Bolton
--  Netherlands: Clifford M. Sobel
--  New Zealand: Charles S. Swindells
--  Nicaragua: Barbara Calandra Moore
--  Niger: Dennise Mathieu
--  Nigeria: John Campbell
--  Norway: John Doyle Ong
--  OECD: Constance A. Morella
--  OSCE: Stephan Michael Minikes
--  Oman: Richard Lewis Baltimore, III
--  Organization of American States; U.S. Permanent Representative: John F. Maisto
--  Pakistan: Ryan C. Crocker
--  Palau: Francis J. Ricciardone, Jr.
--  Panama, Linda Ellen Watt
--  Papau New Guinea: Robert Wendell Fitts
--  Paraguay: John Francis Keane
--  Peru: J. Curtis Struble
--  Philippines and Palau: Francis J. Ricciardone
--  Poland: Victor Ashe
--  Qatar: Chase Untermeyer
--  Romania: Jack Dyer Crouch II
--  Russia: Alexander Vershbow
--  Sao Tome and Principe: R. Barrie Walkley
--  Saudi Arabia: James Oberwetter
--  Senegal and Guinea-Bissau: Richard Roth
--  Serbia and Montenegro: Michael C. Polt
--  Seychelles John Price
--  Sierra Leone: Thomas N. Hull
--  Singapore: Frank L. Lavin
--  Slovak Republic: Ronald Weiser
--  Slovenia: Thomas B. Robertson
--  South Africa: Cameron R. Hume
--  South Africa: Jendayi Frazer
--  Sri Lanka and the Republic of Maldives: Jeffrey J. Lunstead
--  St. Kitts and Nevis: Mary E. Kramer
--  St. Lucia: Mary E. Kramer
--  Suriname: Marsha E. Barnes
--  Swaziland, Kingdom of: Lewis W. Lucke
--  Sweden: M. Teel Bivins
--  Switzerland and Liechtenstein: Pamela Pitzer Willeford
--  Syria: Margaret Scobey
--  Tajikistan: Richard E. Hoagland
--  Thailand: Darryl N. Johnson
--  Togo: Gregory W. Engle
--  Trinidad and Tobago: Roy L. Austin
--  Tunisia: William J. Hudson
--  Turkey: Eric S. Edelman
--  Turkmenistan: Tracey Jacobson
--  Uganda: Jimmy Kolker
--  Ukraine: John Herbst
--  United Arab Emirates: Michele J. Sison
--  United Nations (Geneva): Kevin Edward Moley (Permanent Representative)
--  United Nations (Vienna): Kenneth C. Brill (Permanent Representative)
--  United Nations/Paris: Louise V. Oliver, Ambassador
--  United Nations/Rome: Tony P. Hall, Ambassador
--  Uruguay: Martin J. Silverstein
--  Uzbekistan: Jon Purnell
--  Venezuela: William R. Brownfield
--  Vietnam: Michael W. Marine
--  Yemen: Thomas C. Krajeski
--  Zambia: Martin Brennan
--  Zimbabwe, Republic of : Christopher William Dell

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