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Counterterrorism Office
Operations Directorate
 - International Programs

Operations Directorate

Homeland Security Begins Overseas
The Department of State's Coordinator for Counterterrorism (S/CT) coordinates and supports the development and implementation of all United States Government policies and programs aimed at countering terrorism overseas. Keeping America secure at home begins abroad. Under the Secretary of State's direction, S/CT ensures that our official counterterrorism efforts outside the United States conform to and advance national policies, and make their maximum contribution to defeating terrorism.

Leading Two Missions
The Operations Directorate (Ops.) within S/CT has two primary missions. First, we help the Department of Defense develop and implement its overseas counterterrorism policies, plans, and operations. That enables America's military to pursue its number one priority -- defeating the spread of global terrorism. Second, S/CT Ops. maintains and leads the Foreign Emergency Support Team (FEST). The FEST is the United States Government's only interagency, on-call, short-notice team poised to respond to terrorist incidents worldwide.

Linking Counterterrorism Efforts
S/CT Ops. plays a varied role helping the Department of Defense keep America and our interests around the world from being terrorized. One of our most important functions is helping shape the Pentagon's counterterrorism strategy. Ops. plays an equally important role, in turn, advising senior State Department officials, State Department bureaus, ambassadors, and embassies overseas regarding Department of Defense counterterrorism concepts and proposals. Additionally, we help America's military to execute its counterterrorism strategy. Ops. helps plan, coordinate, facilitate, and oversee the operations of America's national counterterrorism force when it goes abroad.

Poised to Respond
S/CT Ops.' second major responsibility is leading and staffing the Foreign Emergency Support Team. Established in 1985, the FEST is ready to travel at four hours notice to the scene of an overseas emergency. There, it can provide round-the-clock advice and assistance to Ambassadors and foreign governments facing crisis. We ensure that the FEST carries a team of seasoned government experts from the Department of State, FBI, Department of Defense, Department of Energy, and intelligence community. Once on the scene, the FEST members help Ambassadors assess the emergency, advise how to meet it, and assist in managing it. The FEST routinely offers veteran diplomatic and interagency experts to national counterterrorism exercises. We employ our long experience to help ensure that the exercises build America's capability to quickly, skillfully, and effectively respond to crises.

FEST Responds to USS Cole BombingFEST Responds to USS Cole Bombing 
S/CT Ops. led a Foreign Emergency Support Team to Aden, Yemen following a terrorist attack against the USS Cole in October 2000 that killed 17 American sailors. The FEST advised the Ambassador and helped her direct America's response to the attack. Our mobile secure communications capability was especially valuable. Aden is some 200 miles remote from the American Embassy in Sanaa.

Rallying Others
S/CT Ops. leads several other elements of America's fight against terrorism. We co-chair three interagency counter-terrorism efforts under the United States Government's Counterterrorism Security Group (CSG).

  • The Hostage Policy Subgroup refines and implements official United States Government policy toward Americans taken captive abroad.
  • The Interagency Athletic Events Security Coordination Group targets American assistance aimed at ensuring major overseas international sporting events such as the Olympics take place safely.
  • The Exercise Subgroup makes sure the American Government properly and effectively prepares and trains to manage terrorist crises overseas.

S/CT Ops. Boosts Olympic Security
Ops. worked closely with the State Department's Bureau for Diplomatic Security to coordinate United States Government counterterrorism and security support to the Australian Government as it prepared for the 2000 Summer Olympic Games in Sydney. We chaired an interagency working group that spent two years helping ensure that the Games were ready to meet any eventuality. We are playing a similar role in the run-up to the 2004 Summer Games in Athens.  Ops. and Diplomatic Security are again leading an interagency effort assisting the Greek Government organize a safe, secure, and successful Olympics.

Military Reservists Support the Effort
Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, S/CT Ops. asked the Department of Defense to provide full-time mobilized servicemembers to support our work. The Defense Department has since organized a pool of highly-motivated, talented, and skilled full-time Army and Air Force Reservists, and established a similarly qualified cadre of part-time service members. We integrate the Reservists into every facet of our counterterrorism policy and crisis management responsibilities. These unique members of the United States Military Reserve employ monthly drills, annual training, and mobilized periods to provide Ops. with superb day-to-day support, fill critical staffing gaps, and prepare all-the-while for their wartime mission.

FEST Assists in the Aftermath of East Africa BombingsFEST Assists in the Aftermath of East Africa Bombings
S/CT Ops. led two Foreign Emergency Support Teams to Kenya and Tanzania immediately following the August 1998 terrorist bombings of the American Embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam.  The FESTs helped assess the emergencies. They aided America's Ambassadors as they managed the aftermath of the attacks, which killed some 300, including 12 Americans, and injured more than 5000.

Pursuing America's Top Priority
President Bush has noted in his State of the Union addresses that terrorists view the entire world as a battlefield, and that different threats require different strategies. Ops. is deeply engaged advising the American military as it devises, develops, and implements new, different, and effective strategies to defeat that elusive and global threat. Ops.' role is especially important as America cooperates with other nations to uncover and stop terrorist conspiracies, prevent further attacks, and bring terrorists to justice.

S/CT Ops Co-Directs TOP OFFICIALS 2 ExerciseS/CT Ops. Co-Directs Top Officials Exercise
S/CT Ops. partnered with the Department of Homeland Security to develop and execute TOPOFF 2 in May 2003.  TOPOFF 2 was the largest domestic counterterrorism exercise ever conducted. It included over 8000 participants in two major cities, and significant participation by the Canadian government. Ops. led State Department preparations for TOPOFF 2 that spanned two-years, the September 11 terrorist attacks, and the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security.  We coordinated all international aspects of the exercise and ensured that it took into account the foreign policy facets of a major domestic terrorist incident. Ops. helped ensure that TOPOFF 2 was realistic and relevant, and that it produced critical lessons-learned that America's crisis planning and preparations will incorporate. 

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