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Subject:   Looking for Palauan pitcher plant seed
Name:   Hamish
Date Posted:   Sep 30, 04 - 8:05 PM
IP Address:
Message:   Greetings all!

This might seem an odd request, but I've been searching for a contact for weeks, and then I came across this message board and thought it would be worth a try.

I am a grower of tropical pitcher plants (Nepenthes) and I'm looking at the variability of a very wide-spread species, Nepenthes mirabilis. This species is found on Palau and Yap. I would dearly love to get hold of some seed of this species, but none of the collectors around the world I've contacted have the Palau or Yap variants in cultivation. Apparently, this species is known as "meliik" on Palau, and "youaad" or "tafene fii ko borro" on Yap.

I was wondering whether anyone in Palau would be able to send me some seed, or knew of someone I could contact to help me out. I tried to get in contact with someone at the Yap Institute of Natural Science whose details I was given, but she doesn't appear to be there any more.

If you can help me out, please email me at: sardonus(at) [just replace the (at) with an @].

Thank you very much,

Hamish from Sydney, Australia


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