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FAQs, Help, and Tutorials

Polar Lights Studios Labs
Tutorials, .fla Flash source files and sounds for Flash. Examples of integrating Flash with Java, Perl, PHP, ASP databases and etc.

Beginners guide - Flash 5 tutorial
Macromedia flash 5 tutorial for beginners

iBoost Flash Tutorials
Basic and intermediate tutorials. Including how to use the Flash editors interface, drawing basics, Flash Onion Skinning, and creating a product catalog with Flash.

Building a flash radio using an XML playlist
Build a flash based radio that uses an XML playlist to play the songs. An easy to understand tutorial with downloadable source files.

Flash 99% Good
This site aims to help flash developers create more usable content using examples and tips.

Grootlicht Interactive Design
Many links to flash tutorials plus some samples files from a Flash developer in the Netherlands.

Complete Idiot's Guide to Flash Tutorials
Collection of Macromedia Flash tutorials from author of Complete Idiot's Guide to Flash, David Karlins.

SmartWebby's Guide to Flash 'n' ASP Unleashed
Learn integrating Flash and ASP. This comprehensive guide teaches, challenges and initiates you into trying to build products by yourself.

WDVL : Flash 5
Shawn Ryder's article on the latest features of Macromedia's Flash product, from the Web Developer's Virtual Library.

The Cortex Project
An experimental Flash site which explores the uses of multimedia on the web. Source (.fla) files are provided to help others as we have been helped.

More FAQs, Help, and Tutorials Sites

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