The Wayback Machine -
National Library of Australia

We need your feedback!

Please let ALG Administration know what you like about ALG, including how you think it could be improved. If you can't find your library, use the new library notification form and an entry will be established as soon as possible.

Privacy Statement

How did you find out about or get to the Gateway?

from another website
word of mouth
publicity materials, advertisement or magazine article
Other (please specify):

How often do you use the Gateway?

Tell us a bit about yourself:

, .
Your email address (for a reply):

What feature of the Gateway do you most often use or like the best?

'Find a Library'
'Pathways to Information'
'For Libraries'
'Online Exhibitions'
'What's News'

Please tell us what you use the Gateway to do - what you like best and why? (please read our ideas on how you might use ALG).

Do you have any other comments or suggestions for how ALG could be improved?

Thanks for your feedback

Last modified: July 27 2004.