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Welcome To The New WWW.USAID.GOV!

Welcome to the web site of the U.S. Agency for International Development! We hope that you enjoy your visit, and want to make it as easy as possible for you to find the information you are looking for. This help page will explain all the new features of our redesigned web site, and should help point you in the right direction.

Drop-Down Menus

As you may have noticed, the top of each web page contains a series of buttons and drop-down menus. As you scroll your mouse over each of the buttons, a menu will appear under it containing a series of links. Clicking on any of the links in these drop-down menus will take you to the specified page.

The content in these menus is organized into seven broad categories:

  • About USAID - General information about USAID - who we are, our history, organization, and leadership.
  • Our Work - Information about the types of development work USAID does around the world, organized by topic.
  • Locations - Information about the different regions and countries USAID works in, and how USAID is improving lives in each region.
  • Policy - USAID budget and procedural information, as well as information on U.S. foreign policy.
  • Press - Resources for the news media and the general public on what's new at USAID.
  • Image of a drop-down menu, with instructions for accessing content in a sub-menu.
  • Business - Resources for individuals and companies looking to do business with USAID.
  • Careers - Information for individuals looking for employment at USAID, or considering foreign development as a career.

Occasionally, one of these menu options will expand into a sub-menu, with more specific subject options. These will be indicated with a plus sign (+).

To access any of the content in one of these sub-menus, you must first scroll across to the sub-menu, and then scroll down to the option you wish to choose, as illustrated in the diagram to the right. Scrolling diagonally to the option you want may cause the sub-menu to disappear.

Right-Hand Navigation

The right side of each page on this site contains navigation links related to the page's topic. Look here for more information about the topic, recent news and success stories about the topic, related links outside the USAID site, and much more!

USAID Keywords

Image of the USAID Keyword box, with sample input.The Keyword box on the USAID home page, and the Keyword List on the USAID Keywords page, provide another easy way for you to get to the information you need. Type in a word or phrase and click the "Go" button, and you will be taken instantly to the primary page for that topic. You may also see Keywords in USAID publications. For example, if you see the web address WWW.USAID.GOV Keyword: Education, simply go to, find the red USAID Keyword box on the home page, type in the word Education, and click the GO! button. You can also browse the list of USAID Keywords to see all the Keywords available on the USAID Web Site.

Search Engine

The USAID search engine can help you find lots of information on any topic. To narrow down your search by date, type of content, or specific word combinations, you can use the Advanced Search feature. Additionally, many pages on the USAID site contain convenient Search features in the right-hand navigation bar.

Contact Us!

We welcome your feedback and comments on this new design! Please let us know if there is anything we can do to improve the site, or help you find information you're looking for!

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