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Iraq Updates
USAID and the World Food Program provide basic commodities in Iraq
(June 06, 2003).

Workers store food supplies in a World Food Program warehouse in Umm Qasr, southern Iraq. USAID supports the program which provides basic food rations to a large number of needy families in Southern Iraq.
Workers load food supplies from a World Food Program warehouse in Umm Qasr, for distribution through local neighborhood agents. USAID supports the program which provides basic food rations to a large number of needy families in Southern Iraq.
Food aid leaves a World Food Program warehouse in Umm Qasr, southern Iraq. USAID supports the program which provides basic food rations to a large number of needy families in Southern Iraq.
A food distribution agent prepares rations as part of a World Food Program that provides basic commodities to the needy in Southern Iraq. The local agent and his family service 168 families (897 people) from the supplies stored in their home. USAID supports the program.
A widow with a family of 4 receives rations as part of a World Food Program that provides basic commodities to the needy in Southern Iraq. The local agent and his family service 168 families (897 people) from the supplies stored in their home. USAID supports the program.
A widow with a family of 4 receives rations as part of a World Food Program that provides basic commodities to the needy in Southern Iraq. The local agent and his family service 168 families (897 people) from the supplies stored in their home. USAID supports the program.
USAID-funded program, in coordination with the Coalition Provisional Authority, provides basic commodities to the needy in Southern Iraq. The local agent and his family service 168 families (897 people) from the supplies stored in their home. On November 21, 2003, this public distribution system will be transitional to the Iraqi government.
A food distribution agent in Basra prepares rations as part of a World Food Program that provides basic commodities to the needy in Southern Iraq. The local agent and his family service 168 families (897 people) from the supplies stored in their home. USAID supports the program.
A food distribution agent pours cooking oil  rations as part of a World Food Program that provides basic commodities to the needy in Southern Iraq. The local agent and his family service 168 families (897 people) from the supplies stored in their home. USAID supports the program.
A Food for Peace Officer checks the list of receipients of rations as part of a World Food Program that provides basic commodities to the needy in Southern Iraq. The local agent and his family service 168 families (897 people) from the supplies stored in their home. USAID supports the program.
Receipients of food  rations wait in line to receive their allotment as part of a World Food Program that provides basic commodities to the needy in Southern Iraq. The local agent and his family service 168 families (897 people) from the supplies stored in their home. USAID supports the program.
A Food for Peace Officer, checks on the dispersion of rations as part of a World Food Program that provides basic commodities to the needy in Southern Iraq. The local agent and his family service 168 families (897 people) from the supplies stored in their home. USAID supports the program.

Accomplishments: Food Security

As part of the U.S. Government’s assistance plan, USAID played a leading role in helping to avert a humanitarian crisis in Iraq by providing assistance to the United Nations’ World Food Program through USAID’s Office of Food for Peace. Having averted a food crisis immediately following the conflict, USAID advisors continue to assist with the management and distribution of food rations for all Iraqi citizens.

Major Accomplishments to Date:

    Workers load food supplies from a World Food Program warehouse in Umm Qasr, for distribution through local neighborhood agents. USAID supports the program which provides basic food rations to a large number of needy families in Southern Iraq.
  • Worked directly with the World Food Program (WFP) and Coalition Forces to re-establish the Public Distribution System (PDS) in less than 30 days, avoiding a humanitarian food crisis and providing food security throughout the country.
  • With Iraqi food distributors, Food for Peace, the WFP, and Coalition Forces maintained deliveries from June through December 2003 in all 18 governorates.
  • Played a key role in an agreement between the WFP, CPA, and the MoT that provided the WFP with the resources and authority to continue to support the PDS through June 2004.
  • In partnership with the United States Embassy in Iraq, providing on-going support to the Public Distribution System Working Group to assist the Ministry of Trade with improving PDS management.

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