Accomplishments: Food Security
As part of the U.S. Government’s assistance plan, USAID played a leading role
in helping to avert a humanitarian crisis in Iraq by providing assistance to the
United Nations’ World Food Program through USAID’s Office of Food for
Peace. Having averted a food crisis immediately following the conflict, USAID
advisors continue to assist with the management and distribution of food rations
for all Iraqi citizens.
Major Accomplishments to Date:
 Workers load food supplies from a
World Food Program warehouse in
Umm Qasr, for distribution through local
neighborhood agents. USAID supports
the program which provides basic food
rations to a large number of needy families
in Southern Iraq. |
- Worked directly with the World Food Program (WFP) and Coalition Forces to re-establish the Public Distribution System (PDS) in less than 30 days, avoiding a humanitarian food crisis and providing food security throughout the country.
- With Iraqi food distributors, Food for Peace, the WFP, and Coalition Forces maintained deliveries from June through December 2003 in all 18 governorates.
- Played a key role in an agreement between the WFP, CPA, and the MoT that provided the WFP with the resources and authority to continue to support the PDS through June 2004.
- In partnership with the United States Embassy in Iraq, providing on-going support to the Public Distribution System Working Group to assist the Ministry of Trade with improving PDS management.
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