USAID's marshland restoration initiative works with local residents in support
of marshland restoration and the social and economic development of marsh
Major Accomplishments to Date:
 Before the marshes were drained, the marsh economy was based on agriculture, livestock, birding, matmaking,
and fishing. Although fishing was a primary economic livelihood for only a few low-status tribes, subsistence
fishing was practiced widely, and fish was a major food item. USAID’s Marshlands program aims to
rehabilitate fish stocks to allow these practices to resume. Fish production increases will be achieved by reflooding
the largest possible area and by keeping sluices open within flood control and agricultural constraints
to maintain fish migration and spawning. Fishery diversity and productivity will take years to return, but there
are encouraging signs that it can recover. |
- Marshland restoration activities have included surveys, pilot sites, flow and marsh hydrology modeling, and infrastructure needs assessments.
- Produced a technical assessment in June 2003 in collaboration with the Ministry of Water Resources and the a major university.
- Implementing a strategy for marsh restoration, which includes ecosystem monitoring, wetland reconstruction, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, agribusiness, fishing and aquaculture, livestock and dairy production, and primary healthcare.
- Improving capacity through laboratory and GIS development, study tours, training, and formulation of a strategy for international donor assistance and participation.
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