Roads and Bridges
USAID’s goal is to rebuild major transportation routes that were damaged or neglected
in order to restore the flow of goods and services.
 Above: Vehicles line up to cross the damaged Khazir
Bridge in 2003
Below: Tikrit Bridge in 2003
Major Accomplishments to Date:
- Completed 36 detailed bridge assessments and demolished irreparable sections in preparation for the rehabilitation of three major bridges in Iraq. All three bridges have now been repaired and re-opened to traffic.
- Repaired a floating bridge over the Tigris River improving traffic in the region for 50,000 travelers a day.
- Completed an assessment of over one hundred 1,100 km lengths of track and associated facilities throughout the country to identify priority projects.
- Constructing 72 kilometers of new track and facilities between the Port of Umm Qasr and Shuaiba Junction, located west of Basrah.
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