Pacific Fusion
Catch "Pacific Fusion," a new weekly television magazine show hosted by former Miss Universe Brook Lee. The show illuminates the diversity and flair of Asian Pacific American cultures and lifestyles. Sundays at 12:30 p.m.
Rob Black & Your Money
Rob Black & Your Money airs weekdays from 10am - 10:30am. The show focuses on investor education, news and commentary of the day, interviews with financial experts and a chance to call-in questions to established money manager Rob Black.
Latin Eyes
Latineyes goal is to highlight the richness and diversity of Latin culture in the Bay Area and beyond. We air each week in the San Francisco Bay Area on KRON Channel 4 on Sunday at 10 am. Watch Latineyes on Saturdays at 4pm and Mondays at 12:30am!
Henry's Garden
Need some tips to keep your plants green? Check out Henry's Garden for expert advice from the Bay Area's gardening specialists.
Bay Cafe
Looking for the best in Bay Area cuisine? Check out what's cooking each week in our kitchen as we catch up with the Bay's best chefs!
Bay Area Backroads
On Saturday and Sunday at 5:30 p.m. and on Sunday at 11:30 p.m. the award-winning Bay Area Backroads crew explores the great sites of the Bay Area and finds the fun places to experience in our own backyard.
View Our SF Pride 2004 Slideshow!
San Francisco Pride 2004 is over, but you can experience the excitement again by viewing our slideshow!
View Our Carnaval 2004 Slideshow
Relive the excitement by viewing viewer photos of Carnaval 2004!
Watch our Bay to Breakers Slideshow
View pictures viewers sent in of the Albertsons Bay to Breakers!
Earthquakes: Where the Fault Lies
The Bay Area is the most lived-upon fault system in the world. No matter where you are in the Bay Area, you're within a few miles, many within a few feet, of a potential major earthquake epicenter.
Seabiscuit: The Legend Begins in San Francisco
In the 1930's, America was a troubled nation. A paralyzing depression extended from coast to coast. The chilling effects had reached San Francisco as well. But the city was also looking to its future.
San Francisco's Summer of Love
It was an epic moment in the decade of the 1960's when a generation of young people in the Haight Ashbury waved a rebellious flag in the face of mainstream America and tried to create a new world order. It
Milk & Moscone: Assassination at City Hall
Find out more about a defining moment in San Francisco history: the assasination of Mayor George Moscone and Harvey Milk.
San Francisco: Sex and the City It's the annual Exotic Erotic Ball, an only-in-San Francisco kind of event that is open to anyone. On this night at the Cow Palace some 15,000 consenting, mostly heterosexual adults enter a libidinous
San Francisco in the Movies: The Silent Era San Francisco has always had a love affair with the movies. It began when they were silent. KRON 4 Presents our newest documentary examining the Bay Area's history. We'll see why, according to one film historian, 'San Francisco should have become the capitol of the motion picture world.'
William Randolph Hearst: American Emperor When he left San Francisco to achieve an empire, he created the world's first and most powerful media conglomerate in the 20th century. He was an American legend, admired and despised,William Randolph Hearst.
Death in the Sierra: The Donner Party In the last days of October in 1846 the terrible winter snows of the Sierra Nevada trapped a small group of American emigrants. Known as the Donner Party, there were 81 men, women, and children.
Day of the Gun Join KRON 4 as we explore the bloodiest day at San Quentin prison, when inmate George Jackson led a revolt that ended in six deaths, including his own.
San Francisco in the '70s Remember the '70's? During the '70s, more than any city in America, San Francisco showed the signs, the symbols and the scars of the times.
San Quentin: Prison in Paradise In the 19th century, when the land of California offered a new paradise, the lost ways of its scoundrels and villains would find only torment in the prison near the Golden Gate. San Quentin, one of the most famous and notorious prisons in the world.
San Francisco in the Movies: Bogart & Beyond As our history with the movies continues, we look at the time starting with Bogart. How has the Bay Area shaped some of America's biggest movies? Star Wars, Toy Story, Star Trek. KRON 4 Presents, San Francisco in the Movies: Bogart & Beyond.
Baseball by the Golden Gate Baseball came west during the Gold Rush and in the beginning was played in the windy cold on 'sandlots' near the future site of San Francisco's Civic Center. Baseball was King.
San Francisco in the 60's - Love and War Within days of that first landing in Vietnam, the anti-war movement mobilized at home. The war divided our families, our politics, our entire nation.
San Francisco in the Sixties San Francisco in the Sixties, a generation in search of Utopia, a turbulent era shaped by protests, flower power and music with a message. From free love to free speech, San Francisco tried to change the world.