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Welcome to UK Webmaster
World, the definitive Webmaster tools and resource website.
UK Webmaster World brings you all the webmasters tools, resources
and information you need for a successful web mastering experience.
UK Webmaster world is not only about webmasters tools, we have
experienced webmasters in our webmasters forums waiting to share
their experience with you, just register and post your question
and you will be entered in our competition to win a domain name
and hosting package.
UK Webmaster World welcome webmasters from English speaking
countries such as Canada, USA, New Zealand, Australia, India,
South Africa. We actually welcome all English speaking webmaster
irrespective of their country.
Tool |
Website Map Generator
The webmaster tool featured
this month is site map generator. One of the most useful navigation
aid on a large website apart from good web designed and easy to
use navigation system is a site map. Sometimes a web page is not
important enough to merit a place on the main website site navigation
menu, still, its important that users and search engines know the
existence of such page, addig it to your site map ensures your users
and search engine are able to locate the page.
If your website is large, or you have just added serveral new pages
to your website, the most efficient way to create a site map is
to use a site map generator to create the site map for you.
more about site map generator | Want
a webmaster tool featured on this page? contact UK Webmaster World
Website |
Website Statistic tracking
popularly called web stats is a more advanced version of hit
counters. Web stats show detailed traffic to your website including
where you visitors come from, type and version of web browser
used, keyword used to find your site if the visitor came via
a search engine. Website statistics give webmasters information
required to gauge the effectively of adverts to identify which
advert is work continuing and which one should be discontinued.
Features web stats website is MyHotStats.com.
MyHotStats provide free web stats services to webmasters. |
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