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This category is for sites displaying crafters work and about crafting sites.

See also:

  Mj Crafts Design Studio
Handmade crafts and gifts; home of the eggypiece art collection, beautiful and funny fimo polymer clay creations, handcrafted jewelry, and many more handmade crafts made out of ceramics, porcelain, wire, and beads. Paypal and family friendly.

  Turkish Online Gift Bazaar
We offer online shopping facility for ordering decorative kilim pillows, turkish coffee grinders, evil eye good luck charms, oriental rugs, kilims, textiles, home decor, crafts, ceramics and gifts.

  African Art, Shona Sculpture, Garden Sculpture from Africa In Stone
Presents examples of African Sculpture from prominent African artists featuring Shona Sculpture in materials such as African jade, serpentine, and soapstone.

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