What's News 30 March 2000
 Meet the Lipstick Librarian... |
- The National Library of Australia is interested in finding out
how satisfied you are with the content and services of the Australian Libraries
Gateway (ALG).
- A Canberra-based firm, User Insite Pty Ltd, has been engaged to
conduct a survey by email. User Insite has selected libraries and stakeholders
from the Gateway and an official notification of the survey will be posted very
soon. The answers you give will not be revealed to the National Library, except
as overall results and we hope that you will participate if contacted by User
- The results of the survey will be broadcast on
'What's News' and the
ALG-L discussion
- Thank you to all of you who do take part in this important
- The Australian Libraries Gateway includes a page within the
'For Libraries' section which lists
library system
vendors. We are keen to include links to any established Australian user
groups (a direct link to a website or an email address). If you maintain a
discussion list related to a library product, we would also be glad to add it
to the list of Australian
library-related discussion lists which we host. To have your user group
added to the Gateway or ask any other question about ALG, please contact
- Hot off the presses! Responding to feedback received from a
Gateway library we have added "Disaster Plans' to the list of online policy
documents you can identify on a library's entry (see the
Library's entry for an example). You can add the URL for your disaster plan
using the 'Online
Services' update form. You can also search for library's with disaster
plans indicated on their entry using the
Search' function.
- If you have a suggestion for other key policy documents to
include on the Gateway please let us know here at
- We've recently been in touch with Leonie Wing who coordinates
the Australian Bureau of Statistics'
Extension Program (LEP). If you are a LEP library, you can indicate this
through your ALG entry - use the 'Online services' update form and select the
appropriate box.
The Australian Libraries Gateway (ALG) is the sponsor of the print
version of Weaver's Web in
the March 'inCite' magazine
of the Australian Library and Information
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Last modified: October 01 2004.
Last updated: 30 March 2000 |