It will hardly come as a surprise to those of you who have
been following the development of the new
ILRS Directory that the library
details (name, address, etc) from ALG will be used to populate the library
details' area of the new ILRS Directory.
What may be surprising, however, is the work effort undertaken
in preparing to migrate the data by the ALG administration staff. Here, behind
the scenes, staff members have been feverishly cross checking entries between
the two directories. All this activity has revealed that, in some instances,
the two databases are out of step one with the other.
We need your assistance in solving the discrepancies.
The area of concern is the preferred name of your library.
The vast majority of libraries is entered under the same name
in both ALG and the current ILRS directory, but some, unfortunately, are not.
As the Gateway entries are self-updatable, we are assuming that these names are
more up-to-date than the ILRS ones.
We would appreciate it if all of you who have entries in both
ALG and the current
ILRS would check those entries for
accuracy. If your name in ALG is the name you wish to use, you have nothing
more to do: we will migrate the name as it is. If your name in the ILRS
directory is preferable, or if neither name is correct, please update your
ALG entry to reflect the
preferred name. If you do not have the facility to amend your entry on-line,
please send an e-mail to the ALG
administration team containing the correct name and we will update it for
Migration is imminent and your prompt co-operation would be