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You must complete all 5 steps to receive your $30 rebate check:

  1. Get an eye exam from an Eye Care Professional AND purchase a year's supply of any ACUVUE® Brand Contact Lenses excluding SUREVUE®. A year’s supply is 8 boxes, with the exception of ACUVUE® TORIC (4 boxes) and 1•DAY ACUVUE® (12 boxes).

  2. Purchase a year's supply of any ACUVUE® Brand Contact Lenses excluding SUREVUE®. A year’s supply is 8 boxes, with the exception of ACUVUE® TORIC (4 boxes) and 1•DAY ACUVUE® (12 boxes).

  3. How Do I Get The Rebate Form? To receive a Rebate Form, simply check the box on the product page that says, "Please send this rebate form with my order."

  4. Complete the $30 Rebate certificate provided with your order or download or print certificate here (you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader) and attach:
    - 5 box tops of any ACUVUE® product excluding SUREVUE® OR
    - 3 box tops of ACUVUE® TORIC

  5. Attach receipt(s) for the eye exam AND product purchase.

  6. Mail to:
    ACUVUE® $30 Rebate Offer
    P.O. Box 410325
    El Paso, TX 88541-0325
    Please allow 6 weeks for delivery of your rebate check.

  7. Keep a copy of your paperwork for your records.

Offer expires 12/31/2004

Terms and conditions: Offer valid for U.S. residents only. Offer not valid where prohibited by law. Purchase must be made after 1/01/04. Product purchase must be made within 90 days of eye exam. Void if not received within 30 days of offer expiration. Limit one ACUVUE® rebate per customer, per purchase, per twelve-month period. Photocopy of certificate not valid. Allow 6 weeks for delivery. No P.O. Boxes, only street or rural addresses are acceptable. Fraudulent submission could result in federal prosecution under the U.S. Mail Fraud Statutes. (18 U.S. Code, Section 1341 and 1342). Not responsible for lost, late or undelivered responses. Not valid with any other offer or rebates.

NOTICE TO CONSUMERS: If you are personally filing the claim for reimbursement from a third-party payor (e.g. insurance company, employer group, etc.) for the purchase of this product, your purchase price should be reduced by the value of rebate amount. If your doctor is filing the claim, you must notify the doctor’s office of the need to deduct the rebate amount from purchased price used in calculating the claim.

ACUVUE® and SUREVUE® are registered trademarks of Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc.

Contact Lenses Eligible for Rebate:
1-DAY ACUVUE Contact Lenses (Click to View)
By Johnson & Johnson
$23.95 / Box (30 Lenses/Box)
ACUVUE Contact Lenses (Click to View)
By Johnson & Johnson
$16.95 / Box (6 Lenses/Box)
ACUVUE 2 Contact Lenses (Click to View)
By Johnson & Johnson
$16.95 / Box (6 Lenses/Box)
ACUVUE 2 COLOURS Enhancers Contact Lenses (Click to View)
By Johnson & Johnson
$32.95 / Box (6 Lenses/Box)
ACUVUE 2 COLOURS Opaques Contact Lenses (Click to View)
By Johnson & Johnson
$32.95 / Box (6 Lenses/Box)
ACUVUE BIFOCAL Contact Lenses (Click to View)
By Johnson & Johnson
$34.95 / Box (6 Lenses/Box)
ACUVUE TORIC Contact Lenses (Click to View)
By Johnson & Johnson
$61.95 / Box (12 Lenses/Box)

Help Eye Health Contact Lens FAQ Glasses & Sunglasses

If you are having any unexplained eye discomfort, watering, vision change or redness, remove your lenses immediately and consult your eye care professional before wearing your lenses again.