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Download the de-icing brochure Reduce delays, reduce costs. NEW aircraft de-icing forecast service
This new, unique service offers forecasts of aircraft de-icing on the ground for airports worldwide, together with a guide to holdover times, enabling improved planning of de-icing operations and reduced departure delays.
Download the de-icing service brochure (PDF, 178 kb)
UK national air navigation

A comprehensive range of weather and environmental services designed for private pilots right through to the largest global airlines - tailored to your precise requirements. Our aim is to help improve the efficiency and safety of flight operations - in a cost-effective way.

To meet its responsibilities to national and international air navigation, the UK Met. Authority - the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), contracts the Met Office to provide the following meteorological services to aviation.

For those engaged in:


The aviation briefing service, agreed with the CAA, provides a comprehensive range of weather forecasts and actuals, and is intended for aviation purposes within the UK. Basic pre-flight information is available free to all registered users; additional value-added products are available as part of a low-cost subscription service.

More about UK national aviation

Log in  to view aviation data. The CAA requires us to have knowledge of who uses our aviation data. To access this material, UK users must complete a simple form and log in. All information remains confidential. New site users should register now.
New users register Existing users log in
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GET MET 2004:
Details of our services for General Aviation, including fax and telephone services, can be found in our free booklet GETMET 2004.
Order GET MET online or
download the GET MET booklet
(PDF, 1.3 Mb).

Give us feedback
We are constantly looking to build upon and improve our services to the aviation community. The information you can give will help us to find out what you want. Give us feedback

International air navigation
WAFC London
In aviation, we are one of only two designated World Area Forecast Centres (WAFCs) and as such have been providing forecasts for international aviation flights since 1984.
More information
Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre (VAAC)
We enhance safety for the north-east Atlantic routes, provide reports and forecasts for the movement of volcanic ash plumes within our area of responsibility, and cover the UK, Iceland and the north-eastern part of the North Atlantic Ocean.
More about VAAC
International data distribution
The powerful satellite distribution system, SADIS, which gets essential information to aviation users across half the planet, is delivered and maintained by the Met Office.
More on SADIS
Met. Watch Office (MWO)
We are responsible for the provision of en route hazardous weather warnings (SIGMETs) to aircraft within our area of responsibility.

More about international aviation

Research and development
Customised services

We are dedicated to conducting aviation-related research. Several projects now under way will ultimately lead to improved flight safety, minimised ground delays and reduced costs. Work is mainly funded directly by the CAA, and some is carried out for other customers including the European Commission and Eurocontrol.

More about aviation-related research and development


For customers requiring value-added services outside those provided in conjunction with the CAA and NATS, we provide tailor-made consultancy services on a commercial basis.
These can include:

  • detailed assessments of aviation meteorological observing sites and equipment;
  • recommendations on how to make them compliant with CAP670 and ICAO Annex 3 standards and regulations;
  • bespoke training courses for enabling observations at specially instrumented sites.

Contact us

Training for aviators

Expert advice for air traffic control centres, plus recognised observer training programmes, aerodrome observing, and services of offshore helicopter operators.

More about services to CAA and NATS




Our training is designed to help pilots make the best possible use of the latest weather information. We cover basic meteorological theory - general circulation, air masses, fronts, and so on - with an emphasis on practical case studies. Pilots are encouraged to look at standard weather information, and learn how to understand and interpret the finer points.

More about training for aviators

Met Office
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UK Met. Authority
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