Catalan | Danish | Dutch | Finnish | French | Galician | German | Greek | Irish | Italian | Latin | Norwegian | Old Norse & Icelandic | Portuguese | Romanian | Provençal | Spanish | Swedish |
This page lists Internet sources for literary texts in the western European languages other than English. Translations are mentioned only when they are included in collections of original language texts, or when they are themselves of interest. Collections are listed more or less in order of size; indivdual authors are listed alphabetically. EuRoDocs lists many historical and social science texts in western European languages.
If you put up an electronic text, find a collection that's not listed here, or find changes in one of the collections please let me know.
Catalan LiteratureTextos en línia is a large collection of links to Catalan texts of all sorts.
Danish Literature
Dutch LiteratureDe Nederlandse Letteren has an index to Dutch authors in the various Web collections as well as links to general information on Dutch literature and to new journals and writers publishing on the Internet. 5-03: Links to Coster project are not working. Use link below to go there directly. Dutch Studies Web: Electronic Texts is a useful list of collections.
Finnish Literature
French Literature
Galician LiteratureGerman Literature
Classical Greek Literature
Modern Greek Literature
Irish Literature
Italian Literature
Individual AuthorsLatin LiteratureClassical Texts
Medieval and Renaissance Texts
Norwegian Literature
Litteraturnettet, the Norwegian Writers Web, a service of Den norske Forfatterforening, has information about Norwegian literature and a list of Norwegian writers on the Internet, linking to information about them and searches in libraries and Internet search engines. Old Norse and Modern Icelandic Literature
Portuguese Literature
For other Portuguese literary sites: Provençal and other Occitan Literature
Romanian LiteratureSpanish Literature
Swedish Literature
This page was last updated 6 June, 2003.
It is maintained by James Campbell who is grateful for suggestions of additional