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U.S. Department of State

Tsunami Relief Assistance

South Asia
January 3, 2005

The United States is providing funds, disaster assistance and relief supplies.  On December 31, the United States pledged $350 million in relief and recovery assistance. Click on image(s) below for larger version and caption.
A team of Naval Medical Research Unit-2 doctors, members of the Marine Disaster Relief Assessment Team JTF 536 and Indonesian assistance personnel depart by helicopter for Meulaboh, West Aceh to provide emergency assistance and assess damage. Disaster Relief Assessment Team leader Colonel Meyers responds to questions from Associated Press TV about U.S. Government relief efforts in Indonesia at Polonia Airport in Medan, Indonesia. Initial USAID emergency relief supplies including 10,000 liter water storage units, jerry cans and plastic shelters arrive in Medan, Indonesia. Two helicopters from Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron 2 prepare for a landing at Banda Aceh airport in preparation to load supplies to aid tsunami victims.
Sailors from the USS Abraham Lincoln with the help of military personnel from Indonesia and Australia load a truck with supplies to be distributed by United States Navy helicopters throughout the island. Two Indonesian men from a small village reach to catch food and milk from U.S. Helicopter  An aerial view of the countryside a little south of Banda Ache.  Ambassador Pascoe and USAID Director William Frej lead the way as volunteers from the U.S. Embassy, Indonesian and American Non-Government Organizations, the American business community and the Indonesian Armed Forces help load two USAF C-130s at Halim Air Force Base in Jakarta.
Sailors from the USS Abraham Lincoln with the help of military personnel from Indonesia and Australia load a truck with supplies to be distributed by United States Navy helicopters throughout the island Two naval air crewmen carry a seriously injured Indonesian woman to a waiting helicopter for transportation to a medical facility. A U.S. Navy crewman carries an injured boy to a helicopter to be evacuated for treatment in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. U.S. Navy Photo Chief Hospital Corpsman Jim Jones, of Gilboq, N.Y., tends to a patient flown-in by a U.S. Navy helicopter to a temporary triage site in Aceh, Sumatra.
An American Navy flight crewman carries a young injured evacuee Monday, Jan 3, 2005 at the airport in Banda Aceh, the capital of Aceh province in northwestern Indonesia. Deputy Public Affairs Officer Chris Wurst and consulate community volunteering at AID/Bhoomika’s relief operations to tsunami victims.

Released on January 3, 2005
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