Accomplishments: Telecommunications
Before the conflict, 1.2 million Iraqis subscribed to landline telephone service, and much of Iraq's telecommunication network was centralized in Baghdad. A large
part of the network's switching component was damaged during the conflict and
service was disrupted. As part of USAID's effort to restore critical infrastructure,
USAID is working with the Iraq Telecommunications and Postal Commission
(ITPC) to restore the nation's fiber optic network, repair the phone switching system
in Baghdad and restore international telecommunications capability.
 Al Mamoun Telecommunications Site.
USAID officially handed over Al Mamoun to
the Ministry of Communications on February
26. Thirteen new telephone switches and
an International Satellite Gateway were
integrated at the site with fourteen Iraqi
Telephone and Postal Company switches
allowing more than 100,000 individual subscriber
lines to be connected. Because of
the work at Al Mamoun, international calling
service was returned to Iraq on December
30, 2003. All fully operational telephones
nationwide can access the switch at Al Mamoun
and the International Satellite Gateway. | Major Accomplishments to Date:
- Audited more than 1,200 km of the fiber optic backbone network and performed emergency repairs, reconnecting 20 cities and 70% of the population.
- Reconstituted Baghdad area phone service by installing switches with 240,000 lines at 12 sites.
- Installed 13 new switches, and fully integrated them with the 14 existing switches.
- Ministry of Communications reactivated more than 215,000 subscriber lines.
- Installed a satellite gateway system at Baghdad's largest telecom exchange and restored international service.
- Trained ITPC engineers and technicians in the operation and maintenance of the satellite gateway system and the new switches.
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